
How can i make my son get up early in the morning for work at 6am?

by  |  earlier

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My son is 26 years and single.. I cannot seem to get him up early enough in the morning to get to work on time.. His boss loves his work that he has given him a hour extra to get to work on time which is 7:30a.m.




  1. Only try this if your son doesn't get violent lol but put marbles in the freezer. When it's time for him to get up, put them in the bed w/him. They will follow him all around the bed till he HAS to get up lol.

    Or.....tell him to be the man you raised him to be and to get his own place. As long as you're doing for him he'll let you. You don't want him living with you still when he's 50.

  2. Sorry to sound harsh about it, but the BEST way to get him up and at work on time is by kicking him out of your home and forcing him to learn responsibility!

    Or, continue to support him and make him get a night job instead.

  3. If he's 26, make him pay some rent. If he can't get to work on time to get money for it, throw him out. If you worry about him getting to work, he's never going to grow up.

  4. I agree with everyone else's answers, but you can also dump ice cold water on him, or hide a very loud alarm clock where he can't reach so he has to get up to turn it off.

  5. Maker it so he goes to bed at an earlier time. Get rid of the TV which he is probably watching or put password protection on your computer so he has no access.

    Finally, the old standby: threaten him that he has to move out or shape up. Or start inviting strange men over in the morning so he wants to get out of there fast! I know that would have made me want to leave the house if my mother had done that!

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