
How can i make my son put on weight?

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my son is 5yrs old and he eats 3 meals a day (includin a packed lunch at school) i always make sure he ha a cooked meal on an evening, no matter what i feed him he cant put on weight i try to make him eat healty but that doesnt do any difference.

any advice would be good




  1. make sure that each meal , along with veg , contains high levels of protein and carbs . your child might naturally be thin so bare that in mind because you might do him more harm than good

  2. He's only 5, if he's eating right just dont pushi it. He's just naturally skinny, now if he's not eating then u have something to worry about.

  3. If he is naturally skinny he is naturally skinny and if it isn't effecting his health let him be.

    Im 18 5'7 and 98 pounds. Underweight yes but im just naturally like that

  4. My son is five on the 14th of this month he way 2 1/2 stone which my doctor says is border line.

    I have tried many things but he just dosnt seem to want to eat a lot.

    My son is under a dietian who said she has seen worst I wouldnt worry to much unless your doctor is

  5. he's naturally slim-dont worry about it.sounds like he's healthy and eating all the right stuff.dont be feeding him high fat stuff etc to try and bulk him out-all that happens is that layers of fat get set down around the vital organs and make them unhealthy-even if they are skinny. kids use lots of energy, especially at school-my daughter has 4 playtimes a day-so just keep feeding him the right stuff.

  6. It would be unhealthy for you to make him eat more to put on weight..... unless a doctor is telling you he is in a dangerous zone.

    You could get him something called Pediasure. It for children 1 to 10 years old. It provides good nutrition to make sure a child is getting what they need.

  7. HGH or Anabolic Steroids should do the trick

  8. if he's healthy, let him be. but if he has weakness or dizziness, you need to go to a docter. keep having him eat healthy, it might help.

  9. my nephew refused to eat whe he was 5.he still doesnt eat much at 16.if hes eating healthy food, get the doctor to check him out. your lucky he eats the food you make him.too many kids these days are fat.

  10. My son is just the same!!!

    He eats like a horse, runs around a lot and still looks like Bruce Lee!! not a pick on him as they say in Yorkshire!

    I have had him to the doctors and health visitors, and they have ruled out any problems. It seems he is just built this way.

    As long as they seem healthy and happy, I have learned to accept this!

  11. put him on a "chips-a-hoy" only diet.

    RELAX! HE'S 5!

    He'll be fine.

    The opposite end of the spectrum is much worse. Just encourage him to be active and instill good habits in him.

  12. Give him snacks like chocolate bars and sweets. Cheese burgers and chips are also good. Maybe it's because he gets exercise.

    NOTE: This better be for a reason like he's to skinny because getting a normal weighed boy to eat to much is wrong and hurts them inside.

  13. do not MAKE him eat more!! his body knows what he needs and being skinny at that age is normal as long as u make sure that he eats veg and fruit on a daily basis, he'll be fine, do not make him finish his plate, he might end up with an eating disorder. good luck

  14. Is his doctor concerned, or are people just commenting all the time.

    If his doctor is not concerned I would not be either. What is his height and weight would help us out some.

    There can be thyroid disorders but as someone else stated some kids are just like that. As long as he eats healthy and takes vitamins he should be OK.

    My nephew is 10 and he has always been skinny, you can see his ribs when he stretches and even his backbone shows a lot, but his dad was always like that as well, until he turned 40 LOL.

  15. Sounds like your son is naturally skinny. Don't push him to eat more. If your really concerned, take him to the doctor's, and see what they say.

  16. Take him to the doctor and see what his advice would be on the matter. If he thinks your son is ok, then keep doing what you are doing. If he needs to gain weight I am sure the doctor will want him to start drinking pediasure or ensure to help weight gain.

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