
How can i make my steel oven implode from turning on the burner?

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i saw it happen to the towers on 911 and i was wondering if i could duplicate this at home? the heat at which jet fuel burns and the heat of the flame on your gas burners is about the same and the towers had steel girders and my oven is made of steel so i should be able to do the same thing at home. i want my kid to do this at the school's science fair instead of making a vinegar volcanoe blow up all over the gymnasium floor





  1. Yes, the towers did not implode, they EXploded, as is clearly visible in the videos.

    Even defenders of the official conspiracy theory agree that jet fuel fires would not have been hot enough or burned long enough to weaken the steel sufficiently.

    Even NIST has abandoned the pancake theory of collapse.

    And NIST's own data shows that that there were no sustained temperatures of 800 degrees Fahrenheit, let alone 1350 degrees Fahrenheit.

    And even if there were, the towers could not have exploded as they did.

    And it could not have happened at close to free fall speed as it did.

    This is all covered very conclusively in the Journal of 9/11 Studies.


  2. No, no, no.

    What you do is, you put a teakettle on a hotplate, with two cups of water in it.

    When the kettle starts to whistle, you take it off the burner and pour a gallon of cold water on the outside of the kettle.

    The steam will condense and contract so quickly, the kettle will implode.

  3. Scott is correct. Just let me add that this is VERY UNSAFE.

  4. First, the towers did not implode.  The heat generated was sufficient to reduce the yield strength of the steel to the point that it could not support the load.  This resulted in the towers falling.  Once the first floor gave way, the impact from the weight of the floors above falling on the one below was sufficient to collapse that floor and so on.

    Second, your oven does not get nearly as hot as a large uncontrolled Jet fuel fire.

    For example, my gas grill will get up to 500 or so degrees F. with the burners on full.  If I throw a steak on with a lot of fat in it, the temperature will eventually melt the fat and it will burn.  Once that starts to happen, I've seen the temperature reach 800 deg F in a matter of minutes, but even that is not nearly the temperature of an uncontrolled Jet fuel fire.

    I don't think this is going to be a good science fair project to say nothing of not being safe.

  5. Piece of cake... knock a hole in your oven with a sledge hammer then simply turn your oven up to @ 1350 degrees Fahrenheit and stand by. Ovens (and other household appliances) and multi-story buildings are constructed in exactly the same way so you will have successfully recreated the failure mechanism of the Twin Towers! Your friends and family will be amazed!

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