
How can i make my teeth whiter?

by  |  earlier

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I already have white teeth, but i want them to be whiter,, so what can i do??, home remedies??




  1. there are multiple ways to whiten your teeth:

    1) you can go to your dentist and pay a lot of money to get your teeth professionally whitened. if u do this, u will see the best and fastest results.

    2) you can go to your local grocery store and buy crest whitening strips. works but u don't see as dramatic results as getting your teeth professionally whitened

    also, i recommend u start brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste. for the rest of your life always choose whitening toothpaste and mouthwash over other types of these same products. you'll gradually build up a whiter smile and keep it

  2. Eat strawberries....seriously.The acid removes any stains.

  3. well if their already white and u want them whiter maybe your obsessed.  Teeth are not even really white did u know that? all these actors have them whitened and thats y they look too white.  use the crest whitening strips and toothpaste.

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