
How can i make my throat hurt really bad?

by  |  earlier

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i really need to know, please help.




  1. Strange question but go to the concert, and scream your head off!! It'll work!! I lose my voice everytime

  2. Um. Why would you want to do that?

    Usually throats hurt due to either being sick or having an allergic reaction. So...those are your options.  

  3. start couphing like mad until you can't cough anymore, also then you would want to sleep breathing through your mouth. If you did that than next morning, your throat would be swollen and infected with loads of bacteria or virus so you could maybe wag that one day of school for all that hurting in your throat

  4. emo much? lol jk i know what makes, your throat hurt, swallowing extremely tinsy intsy winsy amount of shampoo. it  hurts real BAD.

  5. Screaming too much might do it or you can try to Sleep with the AC in your house turned up high and a big bucket of cold water next to your bed with a cold cloth wrapped around your throat.

    Her's may have been brought on by an alergic reaction, infection, straining her vocal cords, or common cold.

  6. I don't know why you would want to do this but if you sing with your throat and force the words out your throat will start to hurt.  

  7. scream into your pillow....

  8. 1) pretend to cough for a long time

    2) eat too much chocoalte or honey

    3) Get the flu

  9. you can come and pash me! i have a throat infection and it hurts real bad.... also you could try shoving 19 knives down there....  

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