
How can i make my web page display random images everytime they open the website

by  |  earlier

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i would prefer using JavaScript than php becoz php is difficult for me.Thanks for your response in advance




  1. Here you go! (I love java.)

    They are all free, too. : )  

  2. <html>


    // create the list (array) of filenames

    // for the images -

    // list can grow to whatever size is needed

    var imgInfo = [






    function changeImg() {

    // how many images available?

    var last = imgInfo.length;

    // randomly select an image index

    var idx = Math.floor( last * Math.random());

    // get the source for the image

    var src = imgInfo[idx];

    var d = document;

    // get a reference to the image element

    var img = d.getElementById( 'chgImg');

    // update the image's src attribute

    img.src = src;


    // every time the page is loaded, change the image

    window.onload = changeImg;




    give image an id to simplify

    access via getElementById()


    <img id="chgImg" src="" />



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