
How can i make myself more fertile?

by  |  earlier

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We've been trying to conceive for a few months now. My partner has to stay away from home several times a week so it's making it harder to conceive. I don't really want to do ovulation tests because if my partner is away from home we can't make love anyway and I know I'd feel upset or frustrated at missing the chance, we do make love every day he is home. My periods are irregular too, anything from 23-30 days. I've started taking agnus castus (chasteberry) to try and regulate my periods. Is there anything I can take that will make me more fertile or fertile for longer, or anything else i can do to help me conceive? It's so disheartening when I come on my period each month. I feel like right now I'd try anything. I've just finished my period today, and this month my cycle was 25 days, 28 the month before. I know this is the question every woman ttc would be asking and there's no miracle to make it happen but any help or suggestions would be great. Thanks in advance.




  1. Go to the following sites & get your ovulation chart from there.track your fertile days & try to have unprotected s*x according to your chart.You will have good results.

    will pray for you.

    & the most important thing is try to regulate your will have higher chances of pregnancy while your cycle is right.

    Last but not the least that be positive dont lose the courage.You will be successfull soon.Just faith in God. Everything will be marvellous for you.

  2. Ovulation is always 14 days before your NEXT period, so on the months you have a 25-day cycles, you're actually most fertile right after your period. So be sure to consider this in your calculations. I agree that OPKs can make the process seem a little too calculated, but you might find it's the only way to know for sure if you might be ovulating. Additionally, it's good data to have ready in case you ever need to see a doctor (after all, they'll only send you away and make you do OPKs, so you might as well have done them already :) Best of luck.

  3. you ovulate about two weeks into your cycle and you are fertile for like 4 or 5 days. Count two weeks from the first day of your period, no matter what. SOrry, but when you ovulate, that's the best time. Now to be more fertile, eat healthy, avoid caffeine, exercise. Relax when you make love with your partner. Missionary works better, and don't get up right away after he's done. Think of the whole gravity thing. The closer he gets to your cervix, the better.  

  4. I don't know if this is true, but it's worth a shot...

    I was told to take Robitussen (the cough syrup) when I was trying to concieve. Apparently it thins out the mucos and makes it easier for sperm to enter the uterus.

    I wish you luck!

  5. Sperm can live in the v****a for up to 5 days and the egg is viable for about 2 days. So you have a window of 5-7 days when you are fertile. I know you don't feel you want to know when you are ovulating, but knowing increases your chances of conceiving quite a bit. So even if your partner is away sometimes, knowing when you are fertile will only help.

    Be careful with natural methods of regulating your period...sometimes they do odd things to your cycle and may make things more difficult. With that said, the best advice I can give you is to start charting your cycle. If you start to learn your own body's signal's when you are fertile, it will not matter if your cycle is irregular because you will be able to tell without using a calendar.

    I found this site very helpful in keeping track of things,

    but I also just used an "old fashioned" calendar and wrote everything I noticed down.

    if you are unsure what to look for try this site:

    I found the best indicator was cervical mucous...for more details:

    You use OPK's around the time you think you are ovulating. They can get expensive, but are very useful to help you confirm the signs you see from your body. I bought mine from

    They are pretty cheap and you can order them in a combo with pg tests too.

    Hope that helps and good luck!

  6. If this was possible everyone would be doing it and there would be a lot less people getting frustrated over not being able to conceive.  If your cycles are as irregular as you say you could always see a doctor to find out if there is an underlying cause and if anything can be done to regulate them making things a bit easier for you.  I understand you not wanting to use opk's with your partner not being around but even just using them for your own piece of mind so that you know you are ovulating would be help-full and by doing this you will have a better understanding of your cycle and this will help when your partner is home and you are ovulating at the same time.

    Good Luck with ttc

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