
How can i make paper car that can go straight 10m with the fastest time?

by Guest61661  |  earlier

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the record from the previous data was 0.49 something.what design should i look for?what factor that affect the speed?how can we maximise the total power of the paper car




  1. If I understand your question, the entire car needs to be made of paper.  Now, the question of propulsion needs to be brought to attention.  Can wind be used to power the paper car?  If so, then a large paper sail could easily power a light paper car.

    Do 100% of the components need to be paper?  If not then a  rubberband could be used for quick movement.

    If everything needs to be made out of paper, then I suggest something like an ancient ballista.  The ballistas used sinew or rope would up to create tension that would be released quickly producing much power.  It might be useful to create a torsion component with paper similar to the ballista.  

    The type of paper that you are able to use will greatly change the different choices that you have for this product.  Are you stuck with one specific type of paper?

    Good Luck

  2. izaan o00iii...dak klas z ea? hmmm....kami kuruma ea...?

    cbe try tanye ishimatsu sensei..x pn arbain sensei...

    it wud b great kalo dyeorg yg tlg...

    tp,ak rase la kan,....senpai lebih memahami sbb dyeorg yg wat kami kuruma tu berbulan-bulan...wakakakaka

  3. To go straight you need to get your wheel allignment correct. I would wet the paper and mold it and let it dry in a jig.

    Propulsion you could get a hobby car motor with drive train etc and open it full. It will fly.

    Otherwise electrical with a small DC motor and batteries.

    The trick would be to make molds and use wet paper that is twisted.

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