
How can i make reading habit?

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i never reed anything..............not even school readers............

how can i make a habit of reading...........?????????




  1. start small my friend. if you dont want to read, but you HAVE to, then start with smaller books like 30 to 60 pages ad then gradually build on with page numbers. this works if your only trying to read some more. but if that dosnt work, try looking for books that have had movies made out of them, say for instance the harry potter series. they are big books, but if you've seen the movie, then you know the story a little better and it will be more enjoyable

  2. ugh i know how you feel, i HATE reading, i have to read a book for school over the summer.... i have like a week...

    answer mine?;...

  3. Start with a short daily passage...

    something motivational or expressions of gratitude.

    Once you are in the habit, pick up a novel with short chapters and work your way into meatier books.  Choose topics that spark a passion in you and you will *want* to read every day.

  4. first of all, its reAd. reading helps out your vocab and spelling:)

    second of all, reading on your own is a completely different experience then having to read for school. look for something that your really interested in and ask friends for recommendations of good books and then go for it!

    if you named some interests i could try to think of some for you

  5. Start by reading about things that you find interesting.

  6. find a good book!!!!!!!!!! reading is awesome its like a whole other world right there with other people living in a completely different world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luvv reading. try............definatly harry potter and eragon, and i like the Faerie Path series, and then an ordinary trip to barns and noble with lead you to a good bok.

  7. read the twilight series.

    thats all i have to say.

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