
How can i make some friends?

by  |  earlier

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i have like one good friend who i hang with alot. how can i make actual friends like a group or somethin. im a nice guy so that's not why i don't have friends.. any tips? i also talk to alot of people.




  1. Join a club or something. Your bound to meet people you like. That's what I did and that's how I got my group of friends together. You and your friend go enjoy yourselves and you'll find more people like you. Good luck and be yourself!


  2. talk to people and find something in common with them.... just be yourself and bra trust me ull be fine:)

  3. Hopefully, you aren't too shy. If you have enough confidence, meet other groups by approaching them. An easier way is to be introduced to friends through other friends. For example, you could ask your friend to introduce you to some of his friends or people he thinks you'd like/have things in common with. Good luck!

    P.S. never change yourself to fit in with other people/get more friends. Be yourself and you'll do fine!

  4. Try hanging out with people at the mall & stuff.

    People you have things in common with.

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