
How can i make sumone see the truth?

by Guest58257  |  earlier

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my mom's boyfriend is a loser. he works with my mom and is supposedly a mechanic but he stinks and he always like to put his impute into conversations between me and my mom. but to me i feel like he is just using her bcause he use to stay with this woman and she kicked him out and then he came to live wit my mom and i, i think sumthing is up and is suspicious of wat's going on there. but i do understand that my mom dont want to be alone for the rest of her life but i just dont want her to be used, dont get me wrong he is a okay person but it gets irritating at times, talk to much, and lazy. Sumone tell me, am i wrong about him or wat?!?




  1. As your mother's live in boyfriend he is entitled to have input. If your mother has issues with him, let her handle it. This is their relationship and it is rude for you to do anything other than be polite and gracious to him. They can fend for themselves and do not need you to but into their affairs, so don't.

  2. No your gut instinct is always right. He probably is using her, just like the last lady and he had no where else to go. Your mom needs to wake up and understand that she can't be hard up and take the first guy that comes along out of fear of being alone! The right guy will come along but not this guy! He is not right!

  3. One of my best friends had the same issue almost.  Her mom was dating and living with a guy who seemed alright.  He was about 10-20 years younger than the mom.  He lied to her mom and acted perfect around her, but he had been molesting my friend for about one year.  Her mom KNEW.  

    It was then that I learned some single mothers are desperate to have a lover in their lives that they make up excuses and won't see the truth.  So all I can tell you to do is talk it out with your mom.  Hopefully your mom won't be like my friend's mom.  (She told her daughter that it was okay that he was doing that!  My friend told me it wasn't even a big deal!  ugh...)  

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