
How can i make transition of been friends with a guy to been in a relationship [same guy] easier?

by  |  earlier

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**This is my friend asking**




  1. when i was in high school best friend and i always hung out together. we went everywhere together ...we got our driver's license together we went out to the movies...and then our sophmore year...we started dating and it was awesome...he was my first kiss...we were together for 5 years..and now he's still my best friend...i'm married and have kids and he still comes over and has dinner with us...

    just see him as your friend(with benefits if applicable) and nothing should change if you truly care for him...

  2. the same thing happened to me. what i did was i was just upfront with the guy and i told him how i felt about missing our friendship and stuff and now were still good friends and we still hang out.

  3. i nagree w/ shawn

  4. be honest with the guy and tell him how you feel. he may be feeling the same thing for you, never know until you find out

  5. it should be natural.  All my relationships started off as friendships first.  You should never get in relationship unless you know someone so you are usually their friend first.  If it's "weird" like dating your brother weird then it's not meant to be and should be just a friendship again

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