
How can i market my site?

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How can i market my site?




  1. I use autosurf programs like to get free hits to my site. They help a lot in getting your website higher in the search engines. I also have never paid for any advertising and my sites do well in search engines.

  2. Check out this site

    - Has a free video where you can learn how to get traffic to your site.

    Also when you ask how you could market your site

    - I would put the site name up so when you ask the question you are also marketing your site too.

    Best of Luck To You

  3. There are a ton of places you can market your site, but I know of one where you can market and get quality backlinks that is so important to your site.

    One more point, this is free to you. Check it out and you will get more traffic and quality back links and that should equal more sales for you.

    Oh, one more thing, this page has a google page rank of 5.

    Check it out:

  4. Just start submitting your url to as many other websites as you can:

    - forums

    - directories

    - social networking sites

    - social bookmarking sites

    - classified ad sites

    - etc

    Also provide good content. There is no point bringing traffic to your site if you have nothing of value. They will only click away.


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