
How can i meet shawn johnson and become my girlfriend?

by  |  earlier

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i love shawn johnson so much,She looks lovely




  1. You can become your own girlfriend anytime you want.  You don't

    even have to dress up in women's clothing.

    As for Shawn Johnson, forget about it.  She won't be interested,

    because you already have a girlfriend (yourself).

  2. you cant because i have a better chance and my chances arent too high

  3. shawn johnson have a boyfriend it me sam luma.

  4. stfu

  5. Mmmmmm, let me think, she has her pick of about 50,000,000 guys and she would want you, why ?

  6. So you want to meet Shawn Johnson and be your own girlfriend...

    I highly doubt that she will go out with someone as intelligent as you.

  7. Like u have a chance. Give the girl some space. She can choose for herself. Not u choose for her.

    She would probably choose me over you.

  8. If I knew the answer to that why would I bother telling you?

  9. u can't love her youve never even talked to her u freak.

  10. lololol stalker

  11. become a ventriloquist and make a puppet of her for your hand- that's as close as you are going to get...

    besides, seeing someone on tv does not mean that you and she would be compatible

    and since you misworded the second part of your question, not asking to have her become [your] is implied you can be your own girlfriend anytime, you just need to ask yourself out

  12. Your question is worded in such a way as to imply that you want to be your own girlfriend, but if you're looking for a serious answer to your question, introduce yourself to her and see if there's a spark.  

    I hadn't even heard of her until these Olympics, so be prepared because her newfound fame has no doubt filled up her dance card pretty quickly.  <")))><

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