
How can i memorize a very long poem?

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Now this is the big stress. I am going to memorize a very long poem with for about 10 stanzas. How stressful. i have lot of difficulties to this and this is Filipino or Tagalog. Help???I need tips to memorize quicker and faster.




  1. kaya mo yan! you can do it!

    you just need to read the poem repeatedly. Its easier to read and memorize the poem in front of a mirror. This will help you improve your confidence and stage presence if you're going to perform this poem in front of an audience. Also, seeing and knowing the movements your body makes when you read certain words in the poem will make it easier for you to remember your piece. As much as possible, try running the poem through your head when you have even the smallest amount of time. When you're taking a shower, stuck in traffic, or waiting for your food in the restaurant, run the poem through your head.

    its a lot of work but nothing is impossible!:) good luck!

  2. love it

  3. memorize it every 2 lines each one day and then put them together

  4. memorize  key points in the poem like:

    The sun is hot

    The sand burns my feet.

    Remember sun , hot , sand , feet.

    Do you get me ?

    Hope i helped :D

  5. Break the poem in little bits like one day remember 2 stanzas then the next day 2 more. Or just keep it with you at all times in your pocket and when your bored just study it!!!

    Good Luck

    Hope I helped

    - ♥ Taylor ♥

  6. You must break the poem down into sections repeating each section until you have it completely memorize.  You cannot accomplish this task by reading the poem as a whole.

  7. 1. Try singing it

    2. Alright, perhaps a bit less conventional:

    Take the first letter or word of each stanza and try remembering them letter by letter (or word by word). You'll mentally link the words/letters to each stanza when you say or hear the word. This works simply because you only have to memorize each stanza separately, and you can use your list of 10 words to focus on the order they're in. I just it a lot so I won't s***w up readings (:

  8. 1. Recite each line 5 times by itself.

    2. after that stick the lines together (lines 1&2,3&4,etc.)

    3. Finally stick the sections into to big groups i like to call mini poems recite 5 times

    4 Make it all 1 poem recite 10 times and it will stick!

  9. Ask helpfrom friends or family members. They could read alongside of you. Try breaking the poem into sections first.Write them down in paper and bring them with you anywhere you go. Read them every few minutes and try to stick them in your memory. After you memorized a section, try another 'til you've finished the whole poem. Reading it repeatedly can help you memorize it faster. Well, good luck.

  10. I do quite a bit of acting and have been forced to memorize several monologues and sonnets and the like... I find that the best way to memorize something lengthy is to just start at the beginning and work your way through... Read the first 3 or so lines and then repeat them over and over throughout your daily life and when you feel you have those completely down move on to the next three and add them to what you already have... Just keep working at it slowly... There is no quick easy solution to memorizing something long. It will take some work.  

  11. Easy, just read it 30 or 40 times. Mabuhi!

  12.    1. Sit in a quiet room with good lighting.

       2. Look for patterns, familiar elements, and other ways to break the material into groups of three to four familiar elements (if possible) and annotate these observations as you go. Do not force any patterns and stop looking before substantial effort is required for this step. Forced familiarity is compulsory learning; see the tips section below.

       3. Investigate and note intuitive relationships between the elements and your own experience. The relationships need not be rational, only memorable (interesting, funny, enjoyable) and inspirational.

       4. Read the first object.

       5. Say it without the paper.

       6. Read the first and second object.

       7. Repeat them out loud until you are able to say them without the paper.

       8. Read the first, second, and third objects.

       9. Say them out loud until you are able to say them without the paper.

      10. Repeat this process until you can say all the objects without the paper.

      11. Once you are at end of the list, repeat the list without reading it. Say it aloud three times.

      12. If you cannot do it all three times, start all over.

      13. After you think you have memorized it all, take a 10-20 minute break and do something that you will enjoy for that 20 minutes. This could be taking a walk, watching TV, talking on the phone, etc.

      14. Come back and test yourself again through the whole thing if you get it all right, you probably have it. If not work on the sections you are having trouble with. Take another 10-20 minute break and come back again.

      15. If you are still having trouble, try creating a mnemonic device.

    (the objects meaning paragraphs

    u could also right it out a couple of times

    (these tips worked well when i needed to memorize something)

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