
How can i move to cuba if i'm a united states citizen?

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How can i move to cuba if i'm a united states citizen?




  1. Citizens of America are not able to travel freely to Cuba at the moment.

  2. Ask yourself these questions?  Why would you want to move there?  What is attractive to you?  Do you like living in the US?  Do you ever want to come back?  I don't think you should move.  Please do your research if you are serious about it.

  3. If you marry a Cuban, you can apply for residency in Cuba.

    You ought to look into your position regarding US law, though.

  4. You'd have to find out what Cuba's immigration laws are in regard to US citizens.  Maybe Cuba has an official website similar to our State Department website - I don't know.  You also might find something by doing a websearch on "moving to Cuba" or something like that.

    Added on 4/28:  If you do move to Cuba, you'd better forget about using the internet.  There was just an article in the paper today about a woman who surreptitiously runs a blog from Cuba.  She has to "dress like a tourist" and sneak into hotels to access the internet.

  5. You can get a one way ticket, but you're not coming back.  You have to go through Mexico.

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