
How can i not be a jerk?

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K im going to 8th grade this coming year nd im just stuck...

I mean im friends with everybody nd when ever my friend say something about my other friends i never know how to answer.. how can i reply nicely without being a jerk?

Help me please




  1. Just say, "Dude c'mon he's a cool guy."

    If he says, "Man, you're being such a loser."

    Then tell that a$$hat he can go jerk off because nobody likes to be made fun of.

  2. don't reply. my seventh grade year was the best because i wouldn't participate in any gossip. my eighth grade year sucked because i did. if they ask you why you never say anything simply say because i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, or something to that extent.

    hope this helps. good luck!  

  3. Just say, "Look. . .I know you don't like "so-n-so", but I have a strict rule about NOT talking about people; that includes people talking about you.  I try to get along with everyone and I hope you can appreciate that!"  Then drop it and move on to another subject of conversation.  If your friend respects you AT ALL. . .they'll STOP.  If they DON'T. . . . .FIND A DIFFERENT FREND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hey,

    im in 10th grade so i know all about this stuff

    i was in the same situation

    when your friend says something possibly mean about another friend behind their back, just be like "why are you saying that? i thought you were friends with that guy?" or something like that to defend your other friend, just dont play along with your mean friend b/c thats not cool

    jerks are so not cool in my book

    just be a nice person.. period.

    hope this helps:) good luck  

  5. Lol I usually just nod and then change the subject

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