
How can i not be a *****?

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I complain and whine, and i basically act like a 12 year old girl i have been told. I try to fight but i cant take pain for some reason. Im 17 and i hang out with girls more than i do the guys. These 2 girls i hang out with the most are drama queens and weird. So really how can i get my masculinity back????




  1. this is what pisses me of people not being themselves always trying to fit in. i understand is hard to be unique and perhaps impossible cose what ever you do people in the past might have done, but come on have a little identity of your own. what ever you feel good doing is okay no matter what the rest of the world says, be yourselve. if you like to be like your friend and that makes you happy then by all means keep on doing them but if thats not the case then search within you. ask your self, are you really happy pretending to be what you are not? so called friends come and go real friends even if is only one will stay.

  2. Dont ever try and be someone you are not. Be yourself. There isnt anything wrong with that. Stop hanging out with girls so much. Im not saying stop it all together but it sounds as if you are trying to be a female and not a male. You pick up on what others around you do and say and it sounds to me you have more female traits then male. Some guys are like this. As long as you dont start talking about other guys being hot like girls do i dont think you will have a problem.

  3. have a threesome with your girlfriends

  4. One thing that you are doing wrong is trying to be some one else.

    Appreciate who YOU are.

    Second, if you want to be more of a man, than you need to accept things for how they are, especially the things you can't change in life.

    Last but NOT least, stand up for yourself, never let anyone make you feel your inferior, never let others step on you and take advantage of you. Don't let your fears overcome your self esteem.

  5. I have a son you age, he went through a stageof trying to fit in also as he was different because he has a small disability, then hes brother another surprise child from his father that we all only learnt about 2 yrs ago, my son saw this new boy as really cool and wanted to be like him, it went to the extent that he followed him round like a lost puppy dog wherever the boy went, he even copied his sayings, laughed exactly like him at all, it used to make me quiet sad seeing my son taken so much by someone that he would try to be him, when all i wanted was to see my son for who he really was. I think he was at that age where he was having an identy crisis. He soon got bored with following his brother and eventually realized that he wasnt so special and then concentrated on himself more, made goals and changes for himself and developed his own interests. Hang in there mate, things will fall into place for you, it will get better, it is just a stage you are going through, i think a part of being a teenager, Give yourself time to work out who you are and what you want in life. In your own time your colors will come shining through and im sure you will brighten many peoples lives soon enough. give yourself a break and when you are ready,you will know what to do..all the best in your future.

  6. I am not saying that if you be yourself your friend will accept you again, I am saying that if you be yourself and later in life, your character traits match up with your friends then you and your friend would most likely be friends again. But until then, video games are the only thing I could see you guys communicating on..

    In answer to your question, you get your masculinity back by finding it yourself. Maybe you just weren't meant to be masculine. Maybe you were meant to be feminine and not step up and try to get a girl. Maybe your personality will never change, but my advise is take a chance with a girl, Take back whats yours, say something that she might attack you for. That was a pretty slick rap right there.

    Anyways, there is really no one or nothing that can help you in becoming truely masculine. You just have to acquire these things yourself and if you don't acquire them then you don't. Its as simple as that.

  7. Just be yourself. You don't need to be like someone else to be cool. Is the person you're imitating acting like someone else or is he his own person? Is his being his own person what makes him "cool" in your eyes? Then there's your answer: Just be yourself whether people like it or not. If your current friends don't like you for who you are then I guess they're not really friends, right? Find a group of real friends that accept you for who you are.

    And you don't have to be masculine and macho to be a man. Being sensitive and having emotions is not a bad thing. Some men need to learn how to do that instead of being so guarded all the time. Just find your comfort zone. Find the person you want to be inside of yourself, not inside of someone else.

  8. You need to learn to be yourself and not someone else. Your friends will not always be their to hold you hand. If your friends like you for you, then your fine. Not every male needs to be some sports weight lifting freak. Just like not every women is a drama queen. Be true to yourself. Thats what counts in the end.

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