
How can i obtain the power of telekinesis?

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How can i obtain the power of telekinesis?




  1. Sorry to disappoint you, but any telekinesis you may have seen performed is either

    1.  Movies and television, or

    2.  Stage magic (an illusion).

    Stage magic is a learn-able skill, though.

  2. go to sleep and dream about it...or wake up and get real!

  3. There are some 75 or so known psi abilities and out of all of those, telekinesis, or TK, is kind of rare-- and even for teeks (telekineticists), those people who have the natural gift-- control of it is hard. For the most part, you can't "get it" by staring hard at dice or trying to move a straw; this seldom works except for people who have TK in the first place and even then it's chancey at best.

    People who have TK are known to produce 7 Hz theta brainwave activity when the gift is active. So your best bet is to try something like biofeedback; it's costly but it improves your chances of developing telekinesis far more than anything else.

  4. It takes a long time and a lot of studying and meditating . It takes time to rewire a part of your brain unless you have a natrul gift .

  5. Do not pay attention to the skeptics ... and learn as much as you can. I can not tell you much because I have not learned this, but I believe it may be possible, and you should search some sites on the internet. I found a lot of good ones that are quite informative :) Hope you have some luck, and do not listen to the people who talk about "wealth beyond measure" and "there is no evidence," because they do not understand what this is all about ... pure intentions are very important :)

  6. Place your hand on the table in front of you.  Focus on your hand.  Use your mind to send signals to the fibers in your arm, so that they constrict and pull your hand towards you.  Practice this, then try controlling the movement of your hand so that you can use it to manipulate other objects.  The more you do it, the more you will realize that this motion is pretty amazing, and we really shouldn't be overly ambitious.

  7. It's on sale at Wal-Mart this week only. 20% of for the extremely gullible and mentally deficient.

  8. Within all of us,lies,dormant,senses,abilities and so forth.These are not to be mistaken for 'POWERS',they are gifts,if you will.It is up to you how to tap into this.And you should take classes on meditation,breathing and so on..You probably have already experienced your intuitive gifts already but overlooked it.Look for the signs in your life..listen to your instict/intuition often...and you will begin to 'SEE'...and do and so on

  9. You can't. It isn't real.

  10. send me a blank check made out to CASH and i'll give you all the powers you seek.

  11. Ignore the skeptics.  These sites have information which can help you learn it.

  12. from the great oz

  13. I don't think you're going to have much luck. To date, nobody has demonstrated that they actually have telekinetic power, so if someone tries to tell you how to do it, realize that they are just as much in the dark as you are.

    If anyone did happen to be telekinetic, well, the first one to step forward and demonstrate it for the public would become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. Not only that, but FINALLY someone will have demonstrated a paranormal claim, which has never happened yet. Think of how that will validate the belief and work of so many paranormalists! If someone had the power, we'd know it.

  14. just focus!!!! its so easyyyyyyy

  15. Telekinesis or Psychokinesis or know as (PK) can be achieved but it takes a lot of "practice" here are a few exercises that may help:

    Activating Thought Energy

    Put a mind set in believe it is possible, and "know" that you can do it

    1) Put a candle in a holder, light it, then place it on a table in a quiet, dimly lit room. The air in the room should be as still as possible.

    2) Sit at the table at least 18 inches in front of the candle. Get yourself completely relaxed (use meditation if need be) Look directly into the heart of the flame, and keep gazing at it steadily until you feel completely attuned to its movement, rhythm, and energy.

    3) When you're ready, shift your gaze to a spot about 1 inch above the flame. Focus there in a relaxed manner until you feel the flame "pulling" upward.

    4) As soon as this happens, direct a sudden charge of concentrated energy into the flame, doing this boosts its upward movement, raising its level.

    5) Hold the flame there as long as you can, then relax your gaze and allow the flame to drop to its original level.

    Beating The Odds

    When you throw a playing card into the air, the odds are 50/50 that it will land face up or face down. Can you use your mind to improve the average outcome?

    1) Make yourself completely relaxed and dedicate in advance whether you want the card to land face up or down.

    2) Toss the card into the air, and , as it moves, actively "will" it to fall the way you want. Do this 100 times and mark down each result.

    3) Make a control group of another 100 throws by not trying to target the outcome. Mark down the results-they should be close to normal 50/50 average distribution.

    4) Add up your "targeted" score. If you've achieved something like 65 correct "hits" you're showing positive PK ability.

    This can be done and the PK ability can be achieved it takes a lot of hard work and dedication, once you have mastered some of the exercises you can then start to move on to levitation...

  16. You can't. Those who seek it will never achieve it.

  17. its all about " mind over matter"

    you have to start with meditation .

  18. Teleport to the moon and ask the blue cheese guy.

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