
How can i open my mouth when i speak?

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when i talk, i cant open my mouth a lot, so it sounds like im bored, and i have no pitch in my voice, and it makes it deeper than it is, which is also harder to understand. is there anything i can do to improve the way i speak without going to a speech class or a speech counselor...etc?

im 16.




  1. Singing works. Also, talk to the mirror (with nobody watching, of course) and speak, talk everything, anything. Make sure you learn to stretch your mouth and speak according to how a word is to be pronounced. Read a book aloud while looking at the mirror.Keep practicing and you'll see the results.

  2. I would be more concerned as to why you can't open your mouth a lot. Is there a medical reason? If so, have you talk with your doctor for solutions?

  3. google singing exercises. believe it or not... there are stretches for the mouth. If that doesn't work, try make it a point to show your emotion in your face while you are talking; it makes a huge difference. good luck!

  4. i had the same problem you had and i had a really strong belizean accent when i was little, i took speech classes for about 4 years and that helped me to lessen the accent but i still talked as if i was just mumbling. I would really suggest a singing or acting class for you because they give you mouth and facial exercises to really help you articulate and project you voice.It really helped me and i hope it does the same for you!

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