
How can i open up to my wife that i'd like her to get breast enlargements?

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How can i open up to my wife that i'd like her to get breast enlargements?




  1. Tell her...."honey you need bigger titties"

  2. First of all, it's her body.  Ask her how she feels about the prospect.  If she says no.  Then keep your wishes to yourself.  If she says that sounds like a good idea, then support her in that decision.

  3. Sure glad my husband loves mine. Couldn't even begin to imagine spending that insane amount of money on things that I already got.

    How much do you suppose it is for a lobotomy? Sounds like you need it more the she needs implants.

  4. Why did you marry her if you didn't like her the way she is?  To answer your question, you can't.  It will insult her.

  5. What would you say if she asked you to get a p&n!s inlargement? Hurts doesn't it?

  6. Let her know you have a big ego and it is important that her having bigger b*****s would make you the envy of  town by all the guys. And that should do it.  

  7. Give hints. Like wow, look at her b***s. When watching T.V.

    But kid. She doesnt want to think she isnt beautiful.

    And tell her...

    But really you should love her for who she is.

  8. So your going to talk to your wife about going to see  Dr. slobberknockers huh?  are you sure your ready to hear what Dr. she wants you to see?  

  9. You shouldn't.  Love her for who she is.

  10. How would you wanter HER to tell YOU that she wanted your d * * k to be larger?

  11. um. No Comment.

  12. men are :@)  

  13. tell her to get a new husband that is a grown up and not an idiot

  14. like Nike says...Just Do It.

  15. Tell her that you've found a great 2-for-1 sale at the plastic surgeon, and it would be a great deal if she would get implants at the same time that you get size enhancements yourself.  ....though, she may prefer that you get ab enhancement surgery instead, you might ask her.

  16. So will you be insulted if she said to you " Honey you need a p***s enlargement as it isn't big enough?.

  17. Not a smart thing to do unless you know she wants them.  

  18. Why don't you just make her feel as inadequate as possible as a woman could... ? I am sure that there is a part of your anatomy that could use a good six inches, why don't you tackle that one first romeo, and then ask  your wife for the DD's

  19. You knew you were gonna get reamed by all the women with this  Really If you have close communication with eachother you could say, " What do you think about getting implants?" If she gets upset act like you were joking and forget it. Hopefully she can understand that you love her the way she is but If your going to be with her forever and you have the money then why not live out the fantasy right? Good luck with your bigger boob quest.

  20. well first of all you can say, "baby, you know i love your body right? well there is one thing that you can improve on, i really want you to get larger b*****s." if you two are open about everything then you need and expect from each other in the relationship, if she understands then ask her "baby is there anything that i can do to my body or anything else that i can change to make it more phisically attractive?" it helps to throw that in, it does not make her feel so guilty and helps you understand whats going on and what cn happen:) good luck:) i hope that i helped:)

    p.s it will make her feel more comfortable:)

  21. You could probably throw some hints around, like when watching TV, or looking at one of her magazines and pointing to girl in them to ask "hey hun would you ever want b***s like these?" See what her reaction is, and go from there.  You definitely DO NOT want to make her think that her b***s are not good enough for you... You will never live that down. Good luck!  

  22. Has she ever mentioned to you that she feels like her b*****s are small?  If not, then I would strongly suggest that you don't tell her.  You will only hurt her and make her question how you look at her.  If she has mentioned it to you, suggest that she get the enlargements to make HER feel better.

  23. Yah, I like big b***s too BUT....

    I'd never insult or humiliate my wife or any other person by suggesting they get enlargements, etc. to serve my SHALL0W DESIRES.

    There's way more to a person than their body parts and that's what I love about my wife........her personality - not what she does or does not have on her body!  And I'm very glad she hasn't suggested I get something done to my body for her SHALLOW DESIRES.

  24. Live_For_Today and Von C have the right idea.  Think about what you would feel if she asked you to get a p***s enlargement because she wants a bigger p***s.  Ask her to get enlargements and she will become insecure about what you think of her body, and guess what happens when women are insecure about that?  Sexual activity goes WAYYY down.  So go for it if you don't mind losing the nookie.

  25. why the f*** did you marry her if you didn't love her the way that she is? You're an a**hole for even considering telling your wife that? what makes you so perfect that you feel like you have the right to tell her how to make herself better. i hope she gets the implants then attracts a new guy with them.

    I hope she slaps the taste out of your mouth when you ask

  26. So you want your wife to get a boob job?  

    Whats wrong with her b*****s?

    Would you be "open" to her asking you for a p***s enlargement?

    Its a touchy subject because your wife may feel like her b***s are good enough for you on the other hand she may have been thinking about it already.  

  27. Ask her if there is anything she'd like to change about her body. If she says her b*****s, then show your support. If she says no, then say don't most women wish they had bigger b***s? That should get the conversation started. Don't push her to do anything or you could hurt her self esteem.

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