
How can i overcome loneliness?

by  |  earlier

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i go to a tiny school with a bunch of rich spolied kids and i am not close to anyone at all. my bf who was in college was my bestfriend and now he broke up and i feel so lonely. i have noone to talk to and its killing me. i work most of the time and when i am home idk what to do. any suggestions?




  1. i understand how you are feeling, i have been in a very unhappy and emotionally abusive relationship with my bf for the last 7 years. during this time we have had so many ups and down because of his controling and verbally abusive behavior. everytime we stop talking days would go by and now its weeks, i am soooo scared because i feel very alone, no one to talk to and just a total mental mess. i cant sleep, think straight or even do anything that i would enjoy doing.  all i do is spend my days waiting for him to call and apologize to me so that he can fix this problem.  the truth is i know that i am the only one that can fix it by leaving but i am having such a difficult time.  all he has done is write to me via email but has not called me in the last 3 weeks, i am feeling so scared that i want to call him but i cant seem to muster the strenght to dial his number.  calling him all the time is what he is used to of me doing but this time i am trying my hardest to not do it. i spend my entire days just crying and crying. feeling sooo sorry for myself.

  2. I am a loner too.

    i guess a lot of people are.

    i shop alone all the time. i don;t know how to make friends, in fact how to find right ones and keep them in contact.

    i meet ppl , but they are so off.

    prolly didn;t help.

  3. Join a club, i doubt all the kids r s****., if they all turn out 2 be, join a club outside of school lik a church or a boys nd girls club, make friends at work nd talk 2 ur family... nd dont worry bout ya ex if he doesnt wanna be wit u its his lost, corny, but true nd they always come back when its too late, focus on bein happy nd u will be happy

  4. I listen to you and talk to you...send me an email hun

  5. Be patient. Things will not be same tomorrow as today.

    Be positive, You will find a better bf. All the best

  6. Why limit yourself to school.  There are other places to meet people.  Go out and enjoy life. It sounds like you stay home and feel sorry for yourself. You can have all the friends you want, it just takes a little work.  Good luck*

  7. try doing things on your own.  Like going to the mall, to the show, jogging eventually you will start meeting people who like doing the same things you love.

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