
How can i overcome my fear of doctors and going to the doctor? please help. my appointment is in an hour!!?

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I am 13 years old and very scared of going to the doctors office. i have to go for a physical in an hour and i am really afraid of them. i am currently sitting down crying and shaking while typing this and feel very sick. i know the doctor isn't going to hurt me and stuff but i just am really scared and dont want to go. my mom wont cancel my appointment either. please help me over come this fear




  1. By spending more times with doctors.

  2. i know this sounds cheesy but it works ....close your  eyes and take deep breaths and do what ever the doctor says because their just trying to help you  also keep smiling it'll make both of you feel better and will lose all the pressure

  3. Remember that the doctor is HUMAN to, just like YOU! Dont be scared hun, he is just a human, and look at it like this, he gets up the same way you do everyday, gets dressed, and goes to work...and his work happens to be at the doctors office. Thats just the doctors job, just like anyone else has a job.

    Dont be scared at all....Relax..and remember all of that..Ok..

  4. 1.Use visualization to help overcome your fear. When you think about the doctor and the fear begins to creep up, replay good memories in your mind or visualize a place that makes you happy. Use this whenever you become anxious about the doctor.

    2. Try to talk to your doctor, and get to know him/her a little bit. Ask about his/her schooling. If you have a friendly doctor, that can make a big difference.

    3. Ask questions about your exams! A lot of doctors will not tell you things about your exams unless you ask. Don't feel nervous or shy about asking questions about what things mean or why they have to take certain tests. It's YOUR body afterall, and YOU are paying HIM/HER! You can definitely ask him/her questions.

    4. Remember that your doctor is there to help you! Yes, if something is wrong with you, your doctor may have to tell you that something is wrong with you. However, your doctor also probably knows ways to fix you, make you better, or at least make you more comfortable. If you had just avoided going to the doctor when something was wrong with you, that would be way worse, because no one would then be able to help you to get better!

    5. Keep up with your doctor visits. Get your physical every year. This will help make sure that you astay healthy, and if you end up having something wrong with you, at least this way, it will be caught early


  5. Just think that the doctor wants to help you feel good, plus think of all the sick kids who have to live in the hospital. Physicals don't involve any pain, they just give you a check-up. Right now I want you to breathe slowly and calm down. Ask your mom if she'll give you a treat after the appointment. ;D

  6. i agree with the other dude ....your 13...physical are a part of life if you don't go you cant even go 2 practice ... your mom will b with u ...YOU WILL GET A STICKER!!!!      

  7. You know what I do... I think of happy things and that they try to help us. It's normall. Belive in your self. now if its a shot can't help there i'm afraid.

  8. i have the same problem....  i am desperatly afraid of doctors and dentists.  but since you are just going to get a physical, you don't need to worry.  i've been to them alot cuz i do sports, and they don't do anything bad.  i don't want to scare you, but the only thing that is kinda scary is that you may get a shot, BUT i just got a shot a few weeks ago and they really aren't bad, just close your eyes and it's over in a second.

    You probably developed your fear of doctors as a child, just like i did, but now when you go you'll realize that they really aren't bad at all.  you're just remembering how bad it was as a child, and it is scary as a child, but now you are older

  9. Take deep breaths and remind yourself lots of people hate going to the doctor. Tell the nurse when you get there how you feel, they are very nice and will help you through.  

    Good luck!

  10. dont be afraid they just do tests then get shots then get really long needles and they take blood my cousin got blood drawn and they coudnt find the spot so they poked his arm 20 times with the needle

  11. Just remember that there are good and bad Doctors.  Some Doctors graduated at the top of their class from medical school.  Other Doctors barely scrapped by with a passing grade, just managing to graduate in their drug and alcohol induced haze.

  12. kelsey dont be scared just think you are 13 and probably quite healthy.

    the most the doctor will do is give you a shot but that barely hurts.  Dude

    just think you are not getting a root canal that would be brutal.  Doctors

    visits are easy as pie a little shot tops and bam you are done.  my brother cries and drives everyone nuts and then the doctor tells him it is over you can stop now and that is that.  going to the dentist is worse and even that is not so bad i take my ipod and blast my music at least from a distance i hear it and think of a cool band and what they would do in this scenario and that is they would think big deal dude

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