
How can i overcome my fear when im doing roller skating tricks.i cant learn most of them because of fear!?

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I'm really afraid to do many skating tricks and i dont know how to overcome it!please help me!




  1. 1) You would be surprised how much confidence pads and a helmet can add. They help the little falls and the big ones, on average pads cost $20 and new knees cost $20k, do the math. I started skating again recently at the large bowl in a skatepark close to my house, and I still wear pads and a helmet when trying new things, they also make it hurt a lot less when dropping a solid 10 feet on the large side. Practice using your pads can help too. I purposely wrecked several times to get used to the feeling of falling and rotating my body to do the least amount of damage. I started off very small and worked my way up. This gets your body used to those movements to absorb the blow.

    2) Watch others. If there is a local place to go and watch other skaters, do so. Memorize their lines and their movements and practice the same skills yourself. Watching them do something you cant will give you an idea of what you are doing wrong and how to correct it or clean it up.

    3) Have common sense. You WILL fall. I don't care who you are you will fall. The difference between a seasoned skater and a rec skater is that the seasoned skater gets back up and takes another run. Don't do anything you consider to be way out of your abilities scope. If you believe it is possible with your current skill level, try it, the worst that can happen usually is a minor scratch. Don't go trying to jump 30 stairs on your first day out.

    4) STRETCH! I cannot stress this enough. Stretch before doing heavy skating, as this will not only loosen you up, but also get your muscles prepared for the task ahead. You will always be able to skate much longer and much easier if you stretch beforehand. Also some of those tricks you cant stick, giving your body a fresh stretch will help. You will also not be as tired when you are done and lactic acid will take longer to build up in your muscles.

    5) RELAX! If you think you are going to fail, you are. Relax and focus on how to pull the trick off, not where you are landing or the hazards ahead. Music is a great relaxer and will go a long way towards making you feel more comfortable! Music also gets me pumped up to try things I have never done before.

  2. wear a cup, a helmet, and other pads to break your fall then wants you start getting better gradually take off the pads

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