ive suffered a tortured life and existence, severe bullying and victimisation all throughout my life, countless bad traumatic times.
physical assaults, head injuries in a street attack when i lost control of rage - time in a psychiatric hospital for 18 months - a minor criminal record - sexual abuse from other minors when i was a child.
bullied throughout secondary school.
ive missed out on things like forming ' any ' relationships at all, ever.
missed out on an education or being employed - dont have any qualifications.
suffered severe low self esteem all my life; i cant form relationships because of this .....i expect more than what they want to give ( especially with females ).........i get to clingy......my low self worth makes me feel ' unworthy ' of everyone..........struggle to maintain a conversation because i feel so bad about myself etc..
presentley i live in a 1 bedroom flat, apartment on disability, i own nothing besides an old computer, a few books etc.
i have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and ptsd, i have an appointment for therapy soon.
even though i have made lots of progress from how i used to be i very much still battle with rage and aggression.....high levels of panic and anxiety which keep me inside all the time......and because i suffer with rage feelings very much i avoid going out to.....except when i need to, to pay bills etc..
i have no social support network except my aging mother, who cant do much for me anymore......and 1 good internet friend who ive known for 2 years from california.
i have pending physical problems and imperfections :
torn ankle ligaments due to an injury 1 year ago, in my left ankle....its very weak....i have to watch how i walk.....i can easily twist it and fall over......ive had a scan , now im waiting to see a therapist.
ive always suffered extreme low self worth......and always been rejected.........never formed any relationships in life so far and im 30 now..
theres people on myspace and on my messenger lists.......and people whove reached out to me through this site.
but im scared to contact them incase they find out about my true character.....the reality of my living circumstances and they back away and
: reject me.
im so terrified of this as i always have been, and yet it always happened.
theres this russian girl who i spoke to twice, i added her to my messenger...she semed pleasant...interested....but im scared to go back and contact her again....because she might find out my true life....or i might have to tell her the truth of my life and she might then :
reject me.
and i would be devastated and hate to lose her.....i take rejection so bad and devastating....
how do i get over this life long fear ?
especially if you started to like someone and dont want to lose them.
for example : iam scared to talk to anyone on myspace or my messenger lists incase they find out all these realities about me then they reject me..
do you see ?
so because the fear is to strong, i stay away...people think im not interested or ignoring them.....then i lose them anyway.
how can i beat this finally ?
i always cause rejection to happen and i think loneliness , insecurity, isolation ' drives ' my behaviour. living alone etc..
with girls i expect more from them than they want to give right at the very beggining, get all ' clingy ' , then understandablly this drives them away and causes them to reject me.
i always seem to act this way and im stuck to know how to be different, soon as i talk to a person especiall a female, i display these behaviours then they reject me and back off.
its like im not able to not act desperate and eager.....expect to much, when i try to get to know someone....especially with a female.
then when they back away and reject me.......i feel all angry and aggressive towards them..........want to verbally insult them to hit back etc.
im now 30 and because of a tortorous life and severe bullying, ive always had severe low self esteem and acted this way all my life
how can i finally deal with rejection......not show these behaviours and not cause it to begin with ?