
How can i pass a drug test if i smoked a week before my test and i'm a habitual smoker?

by  |  earlier

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i am 110 lbs., have a fast metabolism, and smoke everyday. i have a drug test in a week and i need to clean out my system, but i dont have any money. is there anything like a home product that i can use to fool the drug test?




  1. nope - consider yourself unemployed!  still.

  2. There is nothing.  You smoked it , (I am assuming you mean marijuana), and now you will have to accept the consquences like an adult.  It is all part of being a responsible adult.  Dont bother trying to use the advice the dumb knucklehead gave you above suggesting you try to sneak in someone else's urine.  Won't work.  You can';t take any bags or anything into the bathroom with you, and the TEMPerature of the urine is taken as soon as you step out of the bathroom and hand it to the tester; if it's not 98 degrees, (body temperature), you are busted.  Here is an exceptionally good idea.  WHy don't you quit smoking weed, clean up your act, and THEN try to get a job when you can actually pass a drug test.  Now is as good a time as any to grow up.....good luck!

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