
How can i pass straighter in volleyball?

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i need tips and instructions with how to pass straighter




  1. Wow most of these answers are Hack Answers.

    First we need to make sure first and foremost your faceing/opened up to target.  IE: Your sholders and your feet are faceing where you want to Pass.

    2. you want to make sure your in a good platform stance.

    Meaning down low with your sholders matching your hips matching your knee's matching your feet.

    3 make sure your once again faceing target and step into the pass.

    (dont swing your arms step into the pass and control it)

  2. Make sure your platform is flat and once you are behind the ball freeze your platform until it gets to your target.

  3. First you need good form and a flat platform:

    1. make sure you are holding your hands together correctly.

    most people make a fist with one hand and then wrap the other hand around it, so if you are doing it right both thumbs should be lined up next to each other

    2. make sure you are down and ready, the correct down position

    is like sitting in a chair, you should be bent at the knees and your back should be straight

    3. make sure your arms are out in front of you, no bending at the elbows, you should have straight arms, and keep your arms away from your chest they shouldn't be touching, also you need to make your arms as strong as possible, don't be wimpy, hold them out there and pass the ball

    So those things can help you with your passing, also make sure that you are always facing where you want the ball to go... your belly button should always be facing the person that you are passing to

    Hope that helps!!

  4. ??? there is passing in volleyball????  If you want to "set" someone, you need to practice hitting the ball straight up in the air and it will get easier  or get someone else to stand near you and hit the ball back and forth in the air and set each other.  If your talking about "digs", you could ask someone to toss the ball at you near the ground and you could try to hit it before it hits the ground.  Thats all you really can do in defense of a spike.

  5. 1. Watch the ball as it is coming the net. The only real reason you should be bumping is on a serve recieve when you are getting it to the setter, digging a bad tip, or saving a bad set. When it gets to where the net is, you should know where its going.

    2. Square up to your target. A common mistake people make is squaring up to the ball instead of your target. In an ideal situation, your target would be your setter. Bend your knees and get your hips high in the air; you also need to be on your toes. This is a volleyball ready position.

    3. Make the decision whether you need to set or bump. I am assuming you are bumping from the way the question is phrased. Have your hands out straight in front of your body, but not together yet.

    4. Complete the decision to bump. Put your hands together in a bumping position, the ball should fairly close to you now.

    5. When the ball meets your forearms, lift with your legs (don't jump) and shrug your shoulders a little. Do not swing your arms. This will cause you to lose control of the ball.

    Steps 2-4 are done very quickly and close together. These are instructions for a basic bump, the rules change a little when you are diving sideways for a ball or if you are overhead passing. Follow these steps and you will have a straighter bump in no time at all. :)

  6. It;s call AIM n POSTURE.Ask your friends to help see n correct where ever it is

  7. Good Platform - Forearms form a flat surface for ball; elbows locked

    Get Low - knees bent; step towards ball

    Eye on the ball - Don't forget to watch the ball all the way from beginning to end

    Angle - position your platform at an angle aimed above the setter

  8. wheb ur about ready

    move ur hands..


  9. You make sure that your arms are straight and even. Don't swing your arms, let the ball bounce off of them. And then face your hips to your setter. To make the ball go high, use your legs and push with them, but not too far. That should help you passing get better in more ways than one.

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