
How can i pay my Speed ticket and aswell as get it off my record Asap?

by  |  earlier

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In Irving, Texas




  1. I can't tell you how to pay for it.  It should give that info on the ticket.  Did you read it?

    It will never get off your record.  Everyone's record is permanently on computer networks.  It will cost you a surcharge on your insurance for 6 years, and you will lose all your safe driver points or credits or however TX does it.  A cop looked up my license and commented that I hadn't gotten a citation since the first Bush administration.  He could see that I had a warning in 1992!    

  2. I'm not sure how it works in texas but I have gone to court (in NJ) on the date it says on the ticket and talk to the prosecutor before court starts.  if you don't have a lot of violations they may let you plead down to a no points offense and pay a bigger fine.

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