
How can i persuade my dad to keep this horse?

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ok so just yesterday, we were offered to have a [free] tennessee walker horse! i am so in love with horses and if it helps i am 12 almost 13 years old. we have 1 1/2 acres of land and our house is centered on the acre but the half acre we got like just a month ago. The half acre is at the back of the house. We also have 2 rat terrior dogs. I was just wondering how i can persuade my dad to keep the horse.

How expensive will it be?

Can the dogs be with the horse?

Can we just build a stable out back?

Anything else that you can think of will seriously help!




  1. you cant keep the horse. You need 3 acress for 1 feild. also, i spend 19,000 dollars on feed for 1 small pony. The dogs are not good, rat dogs arent good. also do you know how to take care of a horse.

  2. Your dad probably has a good reason for not wanting to keep the horse, and it might have a lot to do with the horse itself. Is the horse sound? Sane? Is the horse broken to ride? Free horses aren't always free and the horse might have a lot of underlying issues that, in the long run, will add up.

    Also, rat terriers are bothersome around horses. Most dogs are. You would need to keep them seperate.

    If you guys have the means to keep a horse (and that means already having an area built to keep the animal in) maybe you can talk to your dad about in the future having a horse.  

  3. Horses are pretty expensive pets. I would say it depends on the size of the horse for the price. There is the tack, brushes, feed, woodchips or straw (whatever you prefer to use), and they all vary in prices depending on the horse.

    The dogs should be okay with the horse, but I would supervise the animals if they are together just to make sure that the horse does not kick them or spook.

    Yes, you could build a stable. I would fence off the area where the stable is going to be and put a shelter where the horse is going to be.

    Hope this helped!

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