
How can i persuade my pregnant cat to use the kittening box?

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ive given her a great box to give birth in, its in a quiet room, no drafts etc, but she will only sleep on the sofa, and shes about to pop so i need to try and get her used to this box. any ideas?




  1. You do not mention what is in the box.  Put a towel or t-shirt that is soft and absorbent.  Place the box in the closet with the door open.

    Gently show it to here, place her in it and then let her go to the sofa if she wants.  She will not give birth on the sofa.  Relax.

  2. try and put some cat food into her box then then she will gradually go to her box

  3. If you have a bonded relationship with your cat, she'll let you know when she's in labor.  She won't do it on her own.  Once she's up in your face, meowing strangely, just carry her to the box and sit with her.  You can pet her and talk to her.  That way she'll stay in the box.  Once she starts having them, she won't go anywhere else.  Of course, she'll try to move them at a later date, LOL....

  4. The cat will go in a place that she feels secure and private in.  Maybe if you put the box in a closet and leave the door open.

  5. Every time she gets on the sofa just push her off gently or place her on the floor and try to put blankets on the sofa with your perfume for she can know that's your spot. And for her cat box why don't you put a bowl or water next to it and also a small little blanket for she can be comfortable.  

  6. Is she nesting on the sofa or just sleeping there?

    The girl we found never even got in one of the many boxes we made for her until a few hours before delivery.  At that time she got in there and cuddled with her older kitten (he was caught from the outside).  When she went into a labor a little while later she came to get us and lead us right back to that box.  

    So unless it looks like she's preparing to have the kittens somewhere else, I wouldn't worry.  Some of them just don't bother with nesting until the very last minute.  Our girl probably had several litters outside and she still picked a comfy box to have her last litter in.  

  7. try spraying katnip in the bedding!!

  8. why don't u put that kittening box to ur closet or attic and lock the room with cat inside, so the cat will be comfortable without any human contacts. make sure that u make the room really dark. and once in a minit, peak through the door and see how she is doing, and she might need help during the birth.

  9. be persistent keep putting her in it and feed her in it , but remember she will nest where she wants to encourage her now and you night be lucky :)



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