
How can i plug a high presure sodium light bulb (240v) on a 120v power outler can i just plug 2 line of 120v

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i have a high pressure sodium light bulb working on 240 v but i dont have any power converter or any 240 volt outlet can i just plug 2 120 v power cable on it ???




  1. uh, no.

    what's the light for, what cha growing

  2. PLEASE don't try to wire something like this until you understand electricity and electric circuits well enough.  You could easily electrocute yourself or burn the building down.

    PLEASE.  Please leave it alone.  Take a course in Basic Electricity and electric circuits before you touch the wiring.  I'm serious; this is very dangerous stuff.

    You can easily hire an electrician or find a friend who knows how it works to wire a 240 volt outlet for you in almost any building.  That is legal and safe.  Please do it that way.

    Thanks for being reasonable.

  3. Only if the two 120-volt circuits are derived from a 240-volt source.  You can use both hot leads with a single neutral to get your 240-volts.  

    But if both 120-volt sources are from the same side of the line, then, no you will not be able to get 240-volts for your lights.

    You really need an electrician to properly wire you a 240-volt circuit for the lights.


  4. if the 120's are coming from different sources.

  5. It shall not like up! there are 2 ways to light it up.

    1. Buy a step up transformer, 120 v into 240 v. At least 200 watts power rate.

    2. The stove and dryer using 240 volts. it can be used directly.

  6. NO. It may be possible that you can run wires from two different 120 volt outlets and get 240, but it is dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. And totally against the wire code. Which means if you have a fire, the insurance company will drop you.

    Get an electrician to wire you a 240v socket.

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