
How can i possibly bounce back from this?

by Guest62915  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike's my life story(kind've)

5th gd.: started self injuring

6th gd:got caught self injuring and was sent to a shrink, also made fun of to no end by kids at school

7th gd: still self injuring. was diagnosed with OCD. anxiety. sent to a mental hospital...for suicide attempt and the self injuring

summer of 7th gd going into 8th: started smoking pot and cigs.

so now i got caught smoking, doing drugs and cutting, i've ****** up my life so much i'm out of ideas of what to do with the rest of it. i dont' know if i wanna live it anymore. and if you havn't pulled it together yet im only 13 ill be 14 soon.

im basically looking on how to apologize to my mom....

any kind of advice would be helpful...especially if you've gone through it yourself.

thanks for reading




  1. ok, you need to figure out why you were cutting yourself first.

    Then you need to try to fix that problem.

    For example, If you were cutting yourself because your mom or dad was a drunk or you were getting bad grades or something, you need to fix tat problem. If your parents were a drunk, you need to make sure that they know that what they are doing to themselves and YOU is wrong. They need to fix their problem b4 u can. And you just started smoking bcuz u wanted to relieve your stress, your only making it worse. FIX YOUR PROBLEM FROM THE ROOTS! what made you do it in the first place? And know that you did wrong and try to STOP!

  2. Why are you so depressed, Did something really bad happen to you when you were young?

    I feel really bad for you and your problems. Your mom with forgive you, she loves you and just wants you to be happy on heailthy.

    so if you get your life back together that would be the best apology for her. Try finding a hobby or a sport or arts something that makes you happy.

    Good luck with everything!

  3. I'd like to know who is abusing you, that you are covering up for? You need to go to someone, and tell the truth, and get all of this off of your back, where it has wrongfully been put by the people doing the abuse....You poor baby, are just yet another victim, being made feel that what ever is being done to you, you deserve, by the people who are actually doing the sinning...why would you need to apologize to your mother, for suffering?...I think that you need to talk to someone very trustworthy and do it soon, and lay it all out on the line,and be honest about it...don't let the cruelty of others, make you suffer .....I am praying for you little one, you can forgive people, and ask God and Jesus to help them and forgive them...and He will take the pain away from you and give you a real reason to live....x*x

  4. just stop with the destructive behavior. their is no reason to smoke, drink, or hurt yourself. their is no possible way to justify this sort of behavior. if you are depressed then try switching things up a bit. find what really works for you and go with it as long as its safe.

  5. The best apology is the one that you can show you really mean. While words can mean a lot, it's really your actions that will show if you're sorry. This conveniently leads in to the answer to your main question (how can I bounce back?).

    Obviously there are some underlying issues here, and you need to deal with them. If you don't know what they are, some professional help would probably be a very good idea.

    You need to just make sure that you're making progress. Don't expect anything too dramatic right now; it sounds like it'll take a very long time before things get back to normal for you. However, even if it takes years, you'll be so glad that you did it. Wherever you go, there you are. You will benefit hugely from just making tiny little steps every day. You'll have some bad days (probably more bad than good at the start) but you're just going to have to push through it. It's your life, and you must live it.

    Do not give up. In fact, decide very definitely that you WILL NOT give up. Don't think of it as a daily struggle to be normal; think of it more like somebody who's recovering from a physical injury. You can't do the same things that everybody else can do, but you will be able to someday, and between now and then you're going to push hard to get there.

    Good luck. Hope this helps.

  6. yes you can bounce back. tell your mom you love her and ask her to help you. tell her you want a happy life and you are sorry for hurting her. then see a doctor and find out how to get past this. remember, everyone makes mistakes. you have your whole life ahead of you and you can decide how you want it to be. the past is over so start thinking about your future. you can do it.  

  7. Yes you can bounce back from this. It will take time.

    First please stop doing pot and cigs. Pot is better than cigs. but still...

    I have lost trust in my family.. not once.. twice. oh by the way i am in 10th grade high school...been though most of it already, what your dealing with.

    As with you, did anything cause this?

    If it did talk to your mom about it. Tell her why you did the things you did.

    Just say your sorry and get your act together, that will make your mom happy and know you really meant your apology.

    Also trust me its not to late to turn around. I have seen and helped my friends with worse.

    Never give up hope, and keep trying.

    If you want tell me how things are going after you try things, I will read my email or be on messenger.

    Also if you ever need help don't be scared to ask. I will help you, I can guarantee you that.

    Good luck,

    Wish you the best.


  8. woowww thats just like mee kindof but over a shorter period of time, i get good grades, i'm 13 and will be 14 soon, and i'm pretty popular, i started  shoplifting cutting, got into alcoholl and foolin around with drugss stuff like that but listen.... you have the power, you can make your own dicisions

    go up to your mom and tell her all that. tell her your sorryy, i'm kindof at thatt exact same point soooo i'm not really sure but i'm definatly going to read others answers

  9. You REALLY need to get some serious help. I'm the same age as you but I'm going to 9th grade next year. You are going to destroy your life with this. You just need to flat-out stop and don't look back. You can turn this around. I know you can.

  10. You need to call a suicide hotline NOW.  You need professional intervention.

  11. my god! your poor thing you have been throw a lot in your life hun,i would strongly suggest you ask your mum to bring you to chat with a good councilor its good to let it all out to a stranger,please don't hurt yourself anymore,you deserve to enjoy your life and be happy,maybe the councilor can get to the root of your problem hun and then you will be able to sit and talk face to face with your mum about it,i wish you all the best ,take care and i hope it all works out well for you...;-)

  12. I can tell you are going to be okay because not only are you taking responsibility for your own choices you are looking for a way to apologize to those you have hurt with your behaviors.  Not only did I go through some of what you mention myself (junior high was h**l for me, I did cutting and saw a psychiatrist and counselor, acted out sexually and was very verbally and physically abusive to my parents)  but I also worked at a maximum security juvenile facility and lead a counseling group for teenagers with mental illness.   It really sounds like you WANT to change, and that is half the battle right there.  So many kids get caught up in their behaviors and rituals and they are too scared to change.  You probably can't see it now, but it is good that you got caught, now you can get the help you need and get to feeling better before high school.  If you aren't on medication you will want to talk to a psychiatirst about it.  You don't need to tell the kids at school if you don't want to.  You can join a teen AA or NA group to get support and you may want to see a counselor who specializes in teens, he or she has probably been there too.  As for apologizing to your mom, for me it was a process,  I had told her "sorry" before but what really made the difference for her was when I started making better choices and making her proud of me.  I wish you the best of luck!

  13. wow... that made me really sad to read that. Well, first of all, Ive heard stories of kids that have committed suicide because they were bullied and had crappy lives, but that is NOT the answer to any problem. You should NEVER think of doing that to yourself. You have a purpose in this world and no matter how crappy of a situation your in now, you can change it.

    First i think you need to change your attitude about life itself. If you decide to change your habits ON YOUR OWN it will impress your family a lot more than if they force you into it. Dont get mad that they have you supervised when you leave the house, that just means that they care about you enough to make sure youre not getting hurt.

    Second, dont listen to anyone who makes fun of you. People who make fun of you just have nothing better to do with their own boring lives and probably make up half the stuff they say about you. When they make fun of you just think to yourself "wow this kid must really be a loser if all he can think of to do for fun is talk about me." It's stupid so just dont listen to anythin their saying to you. They'll get their share of being made fun of eventually in life & they'll eventually feel bad for what they did to you.

    Okay, and third, sit your mom down and explain to her how you've been feeling about yourself. Tell her that you know you've made a lot of mistakes throughout your life but that you really want to try hard to make the rest of your life a good one. You have so much longer to live and its definately worth it to find out what your purpose in this world is. If your mom is at the point right now where she doesnt really listen to you anymore, or if she doesnt believe you, dont give up. You have to realize how much stress she must be under after everything you've been through, if she doesnt listen, just keep reminding her "Mom, im going to change" and once you DO change she will be so thankful that she has such a great daughter who could completely change her own life to make her mother forgive her.

    If you listen to any ONE thing i wrote in this answer, PLEASE let it be that everything happens for a reason. Go through life slowly and make it turn out how YOU want it to turn out. here's a few quotes that i find very meaningful in my life, maybe they'll have meaning to you too..

    "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it."

    "The rest of your life is being shaped right now with the dreams you chase, the choices you make, and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time and the rest of your life, starts right now."

    I really hope this helps you. <3 Smile! Things can get better!

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