
How can i prepare for next years track team?

by  |  earlier

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I will be in 8th grade and heres how I stand now. Im about one of the 10 fastest guys on the team (probably close to 10th out of 87). I have a year to train. I mostly want to improve my 200 time. As I said before I have a whole year to train. What should I run daily for a work out 3 or 4 times a week?




  1. A lot can be done for your fitness level in one year. If you really want to improve, run six days a week, not 3-4. You should try to do workouts every three days, and these workouts can be up to you. Whether it be actual weight lifting (squats, lunches, etc...) or reps (probably 6-7 200s, with 45 seconds rests after each one). Do this, and you'll be just fine. The rest of the days, you should do 2-3 mile jogs, and about 5 stride-outs  (100s) once your done. Do this for a full year, and your 200 time will almost definetly drop.

  2. go to the gym every other day

  3. a mile



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