
How can i preserve a baby rat?

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i got a baby rat in anatomy (from the pregnant mother) and i want to preserve it for a long time in a vial but i don't know what kind of solutions to use. does anyone have any idea what i could use?




  1. Most specimens are preserved in formaldehyde for scientific purposes.  Are you in college?  You might be able to find a bio professor who could help you out.  You have to be quick about it though, otherwise there might be a risk of disease as the fetus starts to decompose.

    Here's a site on preservation:

    As a side note, asking people in the pet rodent section how to preserve a dead baby rat was probably not one of your more brilliant ideas.  Most people would be appalled (as you can already tell).

    To everyone else, ummm she could be a budding zoologist.  Many scientists use preserved specimens to study animals.  It's not like she killed it and wants some sick memento...

    Hope that helps!

  2. why would you want to do that ??? just curious  

  3. I'm not sure what you would use, but may I ask you WHY you want to preserve a baby rat??

  4. omg ewww! bury it. thats so sad

  5. No offense, but why would you want to? Why not let the poor thing rest in piece by burying it in your backyard or something? Wouldn't you much rather have a live baby rat to take care of instead of a dead slimy rat fetus sit in a vial like some sick display piece in your bedroom? Sorry, but idk where to get stuff to preserve it in, that's why it's better left to people like scientists and zoologists to keep them, if any.

  6. i don't know how but people need to grow up and answer serious question, i'd keep a preserved rat!!!

  7. oh em gee!!! don't preserve it!!! that's just cruel!!! bury it

  8. This is probably not a question you want to pose in a pets' section...try looking for a category in the Science and Mathematics section where you can post it, and maybe get more helpful answers.  

  9. ummm.... GROSS!!

    thumbs up!


  10. ew.


    and just tell me why you would want to do that.

    do you work at a zoo or do you study stuff?

    i mean EW!

    if not then your a very sick and ill person.

    get your self help.

    therapy works wonders.


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