
How can i prevent my documents from being recovered after they have been deleted?

by  |  earlier

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some one is misusing my documents by recovering with the software named Recuva.please help..




  1. use ccleaner and put it to gutman 35 pass secure delete

  2. try encrypting your documents with a password

  3. get a program like absolute file shredder; it changes the file to random letters and numbers before deleting it and can't be recovered. it's a free download too. google it.

  4. Is this your computer?

    Or is it a work computer?

    How / Who is doing this to you?

    Do you sign a System Authorization Access Request or SOU if its a work computer?

    Here are some files to delete files permanently -

    Once you answer the questions (on here or email), I can help you more!

    Another good thing you could do if you cannot protect the physical security is to store all your files on an external USB drive.  

    For extra protection, you could use something like TruCrypt on the External to prevent network access to the USB Drive when you ahve it plugged in!

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