
How can i properly grow a green pepper?

by Guest32921  |  earlier

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can i just seeds from a green pepper put them(3) in a cup full of soil and water it twice a day? because thats what i've been doing for 2 days




  1. Let the seeds dry out first. Plant them and keep them moist untill they sprout, then plant them in the ground or large pots with rich soil. You can let them dry between waterings when well established

  2. It is kind of late in the season for planting from a seed, but I don't see why they would not start to grow.  So many of the fruits and veggies that we buy today in the supermarket have been altered and may not sprout.  Spread the seeds on a paper towel and let them dry for a couple of days...if you have a place for them outside just poke the seed in the earth and let nature take sure to water regularly till you see the sprout, then water accordingly.

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