
How can i protect my runescape account?

by  |  earlier

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I am a newbie in run escape, but i love my account very much, who can tell me how to protect?




  1. First off do not go to any off the websites others are sending you to on here , you do not need them.

    you only ned to use the real runescape homepage after you created you account go to the acount management part on the homepage this is under the account tab, there you can create a password use something no one will guess (even your mates) then when you use the runescape bank make sure you talk to the banker and make up a 4 number bank pin (make sure its one you can remember) hope all goes well. DO NOT PUT YOUR ACOUNT NAME AND PASSWORD ANYWHERE ELSE BUT THE REAL RUNESCAPE WEBPAGE @

  2.    you can set a recovery set and subscribe to be a memebr.

    remeber the information. Farmer100 offers me a guild and told me how to do it.

  3. You can set questions to protect your acc and set bankpin also.

    and do not tell anybody about your acc info.

    if you want to buy some golds, you can visit

    it is very safe.

  4. Use a password with letters and numbers but not hello123 i mean things like jfxmprzd1f56

  5. Ok first of all.. do not listen to any of these guys telling you to buy gold online that is the first step into entering a malicious site. Other than making your password super safe, try making your web browsing safe by not visiting any malicious site or any runescape-related site that isn't a well known safe fansite such as, sites such as or (I'm making these up) but you get my point. Also do not download any auto-ers or macroing program and have antivirus and you should be very safe. go to my clanchat if you need help or have questions.

  6. Ok, so first and foremost you need a good password. It should be something you wont forget, but something not easily guessable. I suggest choosing a word that has personal meaning to you, followed by some numbers you wont forget, such as a phone number, zip code, or street address of someone you know. DO NOT use a real life bank pin or social security number. It isn't a ood idea to just type o;ihfwaeosfdn, because you'll probably forget it and you shouldn't write your password down. Changing your password frequently isn't a good idea, once every 3-6 months should do it, but not too often as you might forget it.

    Next, you should set your recovery questions. This can be done from the account management section of the website. Don't use your personal information to answer these, use the info of a famous person, or make yourself a sort of code. Such as an obscure phrase that has meaning to you (answer each question with one word from the phrase). Just make sure not to do anything like my name is...or the answer is...etc.

    Set a bank pin in game with, again, numbers you are not likely to forget.

    NEVER, EVER, EVER, give any account information to ANYONE, no matter what they say. Real life friend, nice person in game, someone who promises help, a website offering gold or leveling, no one.

    DON'T download any runescape add-ons. These most likely contain viruses, and can steal your account info.

  7. change password frequently, have password that can't be guessed buy people, and create recovery question

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