
How can i prove that my friend is innocent of furnishing alcohol to minors?

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Okay im gonna use fake names for this.

My three friends Jim, Dana, and Crystal went to the movies and decided to go back to Jims house. Jim is in his twenties, Dana and Crystal are underage. When they got there, two underage boys were there drinkin a little bit with Jims brother. Jim went into the livingroom and started to watch some tv. Dana and Crystal were in the kitchen and decided to try a alcoholic beverage that was in the fridge. The alcoholic beverage wasnt his, but someone elses that was there before. He then came into the kitchen, and after he saw what they were doing he made them stop. The cops showed up and charged Jim with furnishing to minors, Dana, Crystal, and the two underage boys with minors in possesion. Dana, Crystal, and the two underage boys are not what im worried about, its Jim. How can i prove that he didnt really furnish the alcohol to them?




  1. You can't,

    when it's the cop's word against yours, the judge & jury always believe the cop.

  2. When you say underage are we talking 18,19, 20 or like 15, 16, its looks mmuch worse in the second scenario as someone in their twetnies shoudlnt be hanging out with hs kids.

    Basically he's not going to prove he didn't furnhish it. Lets say someone 21 goes to a hs party. Didn't provide any alcohol the party had kegs. But if the cops show up you better believe that 21 year old will be charged with providing alcohol to all those kids. Watch the situations you get yourself into, dont drink with minors and dont let the cops into your houjse.

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