
How can i prove to my mom?

by  |  earlier

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how can i prove to my mom i can be more independent so she can be ready for me to get my apartment? i am 23. maybe i can go on a trip for a few months by myself or with friends. i know there are good and bad people out there. i am learning how to cook do laundry. i can call in my prescriptions for the medications i take. it's easy. the apartments i'm looking at are very close by with good public transportation. i haven't drove for a few years because i have epilepsy hopefully i'll be driving in the fall or the spring it's been 2 years since the last seizure. i'm gonna start working in december. i can pay for my own stuff.




  1. talk to her. have a heart to heart conversation and tell her how you feel.  you are an adult. you can make your own decisions now without parental consent.

  2. well if you are over 18

    you can buy your own apartment

    but gaining your moms trust is anotherr.

    obviosuly you want a close bond with her right?

    do you want to borrow money from her?

    or just prove yourself that you are good enough because you are.

    having an apartment by yourself isnt a good idea

    because you have epilepsy but, if you get a roomate maybe your mom

    would consider accepting that.

    dont go on a trip with your friends because that might show your mom that you want to leave and she wont like getting used to that.

    just remember, moms have the right to be worried. They created you.

    I hope everything works out:]

    God bless you

  3. I think your mom is just worried about you because of the epilepsy. She's probably afraid you'll have a seizure and she won't be there to help you. your very lucky. that said, you are 23 and don't need her permission to move out. Maybe if you live somewhere close and call a couple of times a day.

  4. You can prove to your mom by saying

    "I'M FREAKIN' TWENTY-THREE!!!!" And then you move out, because you are an adult and she can't stop you.

    Also if it's the relationship you are worried about, then she will get over it eventually. Especially since the mere fact that you will be living on your own successfully will prove that you are ready for it.

  5. She's just being protective. The way I did it was when I turned 18 I went to stay with my aunt for the summer after I graduated and then after the summer was over I moved into my own place with a friend that I had met and I called my mom up and told her that I wasn't coming home. =) I think if you just sit her down and tell her that you are ready to venture out on your own and let her know that you will always call her if you ever need anything then I'm pretty sure that she will understand.  

  6. try telling her that you are old enough to move out and that you think you are very mature and resposibul. remind her that you havent had a seizer for 2 years and that you will be ok.maby get one of those alarms tht you wear around you r neack incase something dose happen to prove that you are prepared for the worst. and maby with a little luck.. you will get what you want

    now could you answer my question? heres the link:;...

  7. your mom is terrified that you will have a seizure and be alone but many people like you live alone and I see no reason for you to led a normal life

    so go for it and tell her you will keep your phone close all of the time so she can call when she has an anxiety attack

  8. Sounds good, now tell her exactly what you have just stated. Let your mom know your plans. There is no need to go a trip, just research the apartments, choose one you can afford to pay rent every month plus the utilities.  Thats a plus that it has public transportation, that will help you out til you can get your own transportation.  That way once you have your own place and you can take care of things with no problems, hopefully she'll understand.

  9. Talk to her, its the only way!

  10. well u can start by being responsible at home help with cooking, and the cleaning, keep ur room clean, do ur laundry, help pay for a bill or 2.

    do that for a year and she'll see that ur ready to move out. u need to show her that u'll be ok with out her. remember u'll always be her baby, u may be 23 but to her ur still 5... and thats ok.

    having ur own place is not easy,

    u got to pay for rent

    buy ur own food

    pay  for cable


    ur going to want to fix up the place and decorate thats $$$

    i think u should stay home another year start work save some $$$ and show ur mom how responsible can be .

    good luck .

  11. your over 18 you can move out without your moms permission if you want to

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