
How can i prove to my mom that i know how to take care of myself?

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I'm a diabetic and i have been for 9 years now and my mother thinks that i don't know when something is wrong with my blood sugar. just because of this one morning when my parents let me sleep in my blood sugar dropped so low that they had to call the ambulance. and now my mom doesn't think that i know how to take care of myself. like i wake up early every morning and i check my blood sugar and i eat before she wakes me up and i monitor it throughout the day. and i've always been good with taking care of myself. the doctor says so too. but now i have to call when I'm about to drive and i have to call when i make it to wherever i was going and i cant spend the night at friends houses. at this rate i think i'll be dealing with this even after i move out of the house! what do i do?




  1. do your chorse without them telling you too.. it works for me.. show them youre responsible..

    just remember that that is only an act of careness.. a mom really loves her children..

  2. a mother will always be a mother, doesn't matter how old you are, your status...etc...

    your mother is just worried, maybe you should look at it into a positive side... ask yourself, why do I need to tell my mom everything? you do it not only for yourself but to make your mom less worried... believe me, you would all understand the feelings of parents when you experience to be one


  3. you remind me of Nick JOnas.Man, I feel so sorry for him

  4. You should just talk to your mother because she is seeming over protective.Parents try their best to  keep their children out of harms way.Bring her  to understand that one day she won't always be there to rescue you and the only way she can save eternally is if she allows you to learn on your own.Give her a reason to believe you are  mature.Stay on top of your game especially something critical as your well being.

  5. well, i guess i am pretty sure that you are also aware that they are doing this because they love you so much.maybe you can talk to them and tell them how you feel.let them know that you are aware that they love you so much and that everything they are doing is because they care for you but tell them also that you get suffocated and somehow you want a little freedom.tell them that if they can give you a chance for just a week to loosen up and allow you to prove to them that you can take care of yourself, then it will really mean much to least reach a good compromise with your parents.

  6. Be patient... A mother will do anything to kee her child safe. Demonstrate responsibility, and slowly let her see that you are doing OK and are taking this seriously. A time will come when you can gradually assure her you are not thoughtless or careless.

  7. This sort of thing can happen to alot of people.

    I think you should just continue doing everything well and prove to your parents that you are responsible that you can take care of yourself well. Try to really help out in your house and do things that your parents normally have to tell you to do without them asking you to. Continue to keep your room clean and etc.. Do this and I think your parents will give you more priviledges and trust you to take care of yourself. Hope this helps, Good Luck!! :)

  8. Your mom loves you sooo much that she can't imagine what she would do if something were to happen to you.  So she nags, bugs, pesters, calls, etc. - because doing those things lowers she anxiety, for a while anyway.

    Continue to show yourself responsible.  Cut her some slack - try to put yourself in her place, knowing the heartache and worry that she has.  As she sees you handling things well, she will worry, nag, bug, etc. a little less - but probably never really stop.  :)

    Count yourself lucky.  When I was growing up I had friends who didn't even know where their parents were days at a time - the parents just didn't care, were immature, ill-equipped...  Your mom would fight a bear for you - and probably whoop it too.  You are more blessed than you know.

    Good luck and take care of yourself.

  9. It's understandable for them to be concerned for you like that, but I think they've started going overboard.  Explain to your mom that you know that she's looking out for you, but what she's doing is making you live a less fulfilling life.  You understand how serious this is, and as you said, your doctor thinks so too, so that should be good enough for her.  I hope this helps, and good luck.

  10. it depends how old you are. when you're 18 you're legally an adult and you don't have to listen to her anymore. if you're under 18, sucks for you...

  11. You know it's not a bad thing that your Mom loves you. She can't help being worried about you. So.......take your mom for a walk and have a heart-to-heart with her. Be open and honest and tell her how you feel. Show her that you've grown up and are able to take care of yourself.  

  12. First you should realize that your mom isn't doing this to make you feel inferior or to be a nusance. She is only looking out for you trying to prevent the death of a family member she holds dear to her heart.

    Second. You should make sure your mom is taking into consideration how RESPONSCABLE you're being. Example: try to test yourself around her or bring it up in a dinner conversation. "I'm so happy! I seem to have a consistant blood pressure! Thanks for teaching me how to check my own blood pressure mom and dad!

    Third. If none of this works you should talk to your mom about it. If you have a pet start by declaring how you've been responsible for your pet or if you're out of the house lets her know that you've been keeping track of your finances very well. Let her know how you feel and make sure to acknowlege that you appriciate how much she cares for you.


  13. Your Mother will worry about you all her life............relax and enjoy it...some day she will be gone and you'll be sorry.

  14. Tell her to chill out? Show to her on a daily basis for awhile that you can handle taking care of yourself. Atleast she cares enough to want to make sure you are ok. You are lucky to have a parent like that. Yea it gets rather annoying but all you can do is show her that you are responsible over time by doing what you got to do with out her having to tell you.

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