
How can i prove to the custody court that my 10 year old daughters father has been emontaional abusing her?

by  |  earlier

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he has been telling her that he going to hit her in the nose and he going to hit her in the mouth he also has been beating her dog in front of her he says she is worthless and that i wont live long anough to raise her he will cut my brake lines and he talk about me like i am a dog he also tells my child she is dumb and she is a liar and she is going to burn in h**l for lying




  1. The Judge will likely speak to your daughter in private quarters, and she will have the opportunity to tell him what's going on... Call animal services on him, as far as the dog.

  2. i would video tape or record it if you can, if not your daughter is old enough to tell the court if you can get her to.

  3. Document it every time you hear him make a remark.  Encourage your daughter to do so also, going to her room every time (when she can) that he makes a remark, opening up a notebook, witing the date and time, what he said, and how he said it, noting any physical gestures, tone of voice, things like that

    You will still need to get a lawyer, but having these documentations will help your case

  4. You'll have to get a lawyer, it's going to be his job to prove this and your daughter may have to testify.

    Good luck

  5. You will need to document and get a lawyer but something you should do that will help you would be to take her to see a child counselor or psychologist. If you do that they will find out EVERYTHING. There could also be things your child is afraid to tell you and they have a way of getting kids to talk without making them feel bad. Also, they can testify on your behalf in court and judges really look at what professionals have to say. Otherwise your exhusband's attorney could possibly make it look like you coerced her into saying those things. Good Luck!

  6. Well, you got this from your daughters, so there must be a reason why they said that. I don't see ANY 10 year olds that will make up a lie that will go so far. If I was 10 and I made up a lie and I found out it was going to court. I would back out and tell the truth. A 10 year old is smart enough to know what court is and what a trial is . And also say, " What makes my 10 year old daughter's father innocent? He is far old enough to know how to lie and deny. Threat is only done so that nothing gets spilled out. In this case, it is clear that he wouldn't want to be known as a abuser . My 10 year old cannot ever lie to me about a serious matter like this because she is old enough to know that this IS a serious matter, and with serious matters there are serious consiquences. If it is a lie she would have backed out by now, knowing that the consiquences are not only getting grounded. " and maybe if the dog has scars you can use that as a proof!

    Good Luck in the future, may god be with you !

  7. Emotional abuse is very hard to to prove it all comes down to it is your word against his. Document everything, but be prepared for a long hard road. I hope for the sake of your daughter he learns to keep his mouth shut

    Good Luck

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