
How can i pull Super to Secret Rare cards only?

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i would like to only get nothing but supers to secrets in yugioh from booster packs without scales any tips?




  1. VERY EASY if they are still in their box count on both columns 7 boosters el 7th booster always contain the big ONES!!!! never fails ive got 6 HONEST holo.

  2. Buy alot of them. Im not sure of what your asking

  3. well, the way I used to try and get the best cards was by holding the pack in your hand. If any one pack is slightly thicker than others than you have a higher chance of foils.

  4. if anyone can do that, they won't spend big bucks getting singles on ebay any more...

    you can try weight them with your hands and see which one is heavier. I got two packs today, thats what I did, I got 1 super and 1 secret.

  5. There is no technique besides scaling. If anyone tell you anything else they're lying. Just buy the singles you want or invest money in a pocket scale. Its one or the other.

  6. buy more paks

  7. the only way I know is by buying the special edition packs. they usually contain 3 boosters (5 if you want a tin) and they always contain a limited edition card (I think the light od destruction ones give out either Soul Rope or Kuraz the Light Monarch)

  8. yu gi oh cards suck go get a life and buy a 360. play something else

  9. Here are some rules i follow:

    -The thickest  and heaviest pack has the rarest cards.

    -In just about every box the rarest cards are near the bottom.

    -In phantom Darkness and invasion of chaos the rarest cards are near the top.(Has something to do with the chaos and incarnate chaos cards)

    Hope this helps!!

  10. look at the side of the pack. the biggest side should have rarer cards.

  11. I don't think there's anyway to get rare to ultra rare cards without opening the pack.  Weighing it doesn't work.  To begin, most people are not going to have a scale handy.  The ones that you buy in stores are laughable.  It only measures to .1 g/oz at best.  Rare to ultra rare cards are not .1 g/oz that much heavier.  You can try using a balance to weigh two packages against each other, but again, the weight is not that much significantly different, so it's going to be hard to tell which one is heavier.  You need the type of scales that are used in laboratories where the scale can handle weight into the micrograms.  And trust me, nobody is going to be carrying a high tech scale into a store just to weigh a pack of cards.  Those scales cost several thousands, so the payoff isn't worth it.

  12. There are ways to determine in some kinds of cards, I work at a place where we "bust" the packs to get all the cards in the sets. Some card sets you can simply open the booster box, take one side of boosters out, and open down to where the rare card is, then don't open anymore, then repeat with the other side. It's not great way to get the rarity cards but most are like this.

  13. the answer is easy

    if you waqnt to pull the best cards during the whole game, he is going to go nuts, simply  buy the cards you know online or trade them or simply go to a workshop store,

    they sell the best cards one by one.

    you choose any of the cards,

    but online is cheaper, you can get the best cards for a real low price.If your friend tells you you cheated, That is totally wrong, You simply prepared a deck with only the top notch. If his cards suck then thats his problem

  14. try weighting the booster packs with your hands or try holding them from the very top and move them from top to bottom and see which slides more, if it slides a lot it is a rare card but if it doesn't slide too much it can be from a super to a secret rare

  15. The holos are slightly heavier than regular rares.

    using a sencitive scales, you can single out which packs have the holos, but you can't tell if it is super/ultra/secret.

  16. thats not possible.

    you have to get the commons and uncommons as welll.

    you cant just pull super and secret rare cards only.

    and some times if you want a really rare card you probally never get it in a pack you might have to buy one from a store or off the computer.

  17. My friend told me this one trick, because the super and secrets are thicker the pack would have less air so when u first but the pack just give it a squeeze. It worked once for me

  18. Try buying loads of cards, and selling the ones you don't need, on ebay or similar. Or just trade lots and work your way up to what you need.

  19. Now new booster coming its abit hard to get foil. They force the pack to bend you might think its foil but actually not. But for me i buy the top 6 pack on the box which is still new. Take 3 packs on the left and take another 3 packs on the right. Guarantee you will get at least one Super Foil and Secret Rare.

  20. There are some packs named premium pack 1.It only has supers and secrets.The collection has 15 cards.every pack has 9 cards with 6 supers and 3 secrets.It contains the marshmallon dark magician of chaos(the ritual monster) and his ritual and other cards that haveent been out before.

  21. Strangest thing. I heard the worst the booster pack looks, the better the rare inside. I don't know if this works or not or how it works, but some people have claimed success. Just look at the wrapping and look closely for ink bleeding or some fading.

    I only expect to get 2 points, anyway.

  22. Yep super cards are easiest to pull.

  23. Use your hand and weigh them, though it would be pretty difficult to tell the distinction of the heavier one.

  24. well.. follow others' advice on buying in bulk. however, it is not possible to get a pack that has nothing but supers and secrets. I think it is all luck, and that scales have nothing to do with it. i bought my first pack of Tactical Evolution and i automatically got a super secret version of Rainbow Dragon, that has a really reflective surface... i can see my reflection in it! and i can only see the dragon if i turn it a little sideways. so, just go and buy some packs and cross your fingers.

  25. Buy ahundreds of them.If you get any cards

    which you do not want then trade them.

  26. when i used to play i bought  a small scale and weighed each pack the ones that weight more will have a ,ultra or secret rare.

  27. i have played allot of yugioh but a super secret but i found out something incredible to only get super cards look super cards are easy to bend so just bend the booster pack if it bends easily Yul notice if not keep trying

  28. Try buying a case. Not those card selves, a case. They these huge pack that comes with 2 boxes of booster packs! Each box has about 24-25 booster packs. but, they do cost about 25-70$ sorry. But! you have a huge chance of pulling these secret rares and super rares and sometimes ghost rares!!

    Try eBay! I saw one once for only 35$!!

  29. there was one time in ebay this guy was telling how to find secrets utlimates and holos.. it was realy lame, well if u could tell.. the packs are slightly heavier,this guy said always have a weight mesure,anyway i think the guy who owns the shop probobly kick u out..

  30. you cant, soz, but you can only get one rare card in each pack, unless you are buying a premium pack, but they are limited, other then that you should just attempt to buy them fro a site such as, do not go on ebay, not a good place to go for cards.

  31. There is no way that you can be sure that you are only getting supers to secrets. There is no real way to do it. If you were trying to get a hard cards then just buy boxes. you get a lot of cards and you always get atleast one secret rare. If you just keep buying boosters then you have less chance of getting a secret rare so buy boxes because you are always garunteed a secret.

    Good Luck

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