
How can i pull together a clean double salchow?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Don't lean forward and when you are scraping forward, try to put all of your weight on the back of the blade that is still on the ice.

  2. Practice Practice Practice. You need your coach or someone to watch you tell you what is off about your jump. My coach has the funniest little tricks that nobody else could ever think of, yet they make a world of difference. You could also get a pair of ankle weights and practice doing them at home.

  3. Well a double salchow is different from most other double jumps because timing is crucial in landing this jump. After you do your second three turn wait until you feel your body start to turn as well and swing your leg into the jump. Pull in your arms so that you can move faster through the air. But the best advice is to just practice. practice. practice.

  4. well with a double salchow all i can say is .

       try doing and landing postion around a circle to get warmed up. Then do singles then singles and a half and try it. Relex. What i do in my double flip is i think of a funny event that happened focus on that then i jump. Don't focus to much on the event, REMEMBER about landing. I hope that this helped some what. i can't do a double salchow yet so sorry .

    When i do a double flip that toe pick that goes into the ice(you should know what i mean) i think of kicking somebody that made me upset(Brothers are great/sister too).

      Try making up silly or fun ways of hints, That is what my coaches tell me. IT helpes most of the time.

          Good luck

  5. It helps to describe what is going wrong. If you have a video, I can certainly help you.


    & Make sure your back is straight

    & Don't lean too far forward

    & Swing your leg through and up

    & Check your arms

    & Make sure you jump up rather than try to swing around

    (Some skaters rotate fast enough to compensate for a lack of height, but usually if you get more height then the jump is easier)

    & Use your arms for force

    Sorry, that advice isn't really in any order, but just remember every move in figure skating uses your whole body, or most of it, to make it happen.

    NOTE: Walk though it slowly on and off ice following the movements, it helps with muscle memory.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  6. I always think of doing a three turn axel.  Make sure you check your three turn and don't let your arms prerotate.  Kick through well with your free leg and bring your arm through with your free leg.  Also, practicing a lot of singles helps.

  7. my coach tells me to go into it as a salchow but then try to do an axel and it works

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