
How can i punish my kids?

by Guest64291  |  earlier

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I have twin girls aged 4 and just recently they have been really naughty. In the shops they kick off (i mean kick off!) they scream, swear, stamp their feet and pull things off shelves! At home they are the same...screaming, shouting, hitting, swearing, throwing, smashing...EVERYTHING! i am at my wits end! i hav tried evrything apart from spanking. I agree with it but i would never beat a child. Any suggestions???




  1. Take parenting classes

  2. you have you be assertive,let them know whose boss.

    if they act up at home scream at them "STOP",but really let it out.

  3. time out from both of them in separated rooms it does not matter if they cry maybe it will seem that they will never stop crying wait for 3 minutes and then go with one of them and talk to her( in a nice way) that her behavior is not good and if she doesn't like to be in time out she should behave and then same thing with the other toddler. At the store take them to the car let them know they are not behaving appropiately and let them cry for 3 minutes talk to them again go back to the store. it will take days but it works.

  4. Okay so you should reward them when they are behaving and when they are not behaving tell them how you want them to behave. For example when they are swearing tell them they should not use those words.

    Also, if they are naughty when you take them out have someone babysit while you go out. They are old enough to know that they need to behave. Tell them that when they start acting like big kids instead of acting like babies they can start going with you again.

    Where did they learn to swear from? If its from the parents than they need to watch what they say.

    Good luck

  5. No need to beat them.

    Just take one of them across your lap, take down her pants and panties, slap her bottom hard enough that she cries.  Repeat the slaps several times.  Give her a hug and put her down.  Repeat with her sister,

    Do the above each time they misbehave.  Be consistent.  Reward good behavior.

  6. There is a huge difference between beating and spanking. I think a spanking done appropriateley will work wonders. As a parent it is hard to do, but I like the results I see when I use it. That is what i would suggest. You have to figure something out though, and whatever it is, be consistent

  7. take one of their privileges away for a few days

    tell them the reason why & that the next time they do it

    you will take a priviledge away again

  8. Call supernanny!

  9. Huge difference between beating and spanking. A swat across the backside to get their attention would probably do wonders.

  10. whats wrong with you your the mother

  11. oh you have some of "those" kids you see in grocery stores swearing and being all crazy hahaha my mom said i was like that when i was younger.....she never hit me or anything but would kind of bribe me with things and make charts with stickers and once i got enough stickers etc etc i got a prize..... p.s I turned out fine btw!! lol they'll grow out of it ;)

  12. no more tv no more ice cream, just no more of whateva they like u know is call time out ok be strong

  13. You have to pick a punishment and stay very consistent even if it is almost punishing you for a while.  They have to know that you will not let them get by with anything not even ONCE.  Good Luck Momma!

  14. Take away their beer and cigarettes.

  15. This type of behaivor is not going to be solved with a few sentences from Answers.  Get some books, take the time ( I know it's hard with twin preschoolers) and read, read, READ.

    Spend time with your friends with kids and take the things that work for them and try to mimic them in your own life.  One of the "gems" I learned this way was to squat down, make eye contact and calmly talk to them when i am displeased with behavior- instead of the screaming, pleading or begging so many parents do these days.

    Good luck!!

  16. My four year old daughter started having a really bad attitude, hitting, punching, pinching and talking back. I am a firm believer in spanking.

    You do not have to hit them so hard they bruise, but one firm well placed swat to the buttocks just hard enough to get their attention really does the trick with mine.

    Once or twice of that and she settles down, plus lots of time-outs and just keeping a very tight reign on her and not letting her get away with anything.

  17. If they keep making the same mistakes over & over in the same situations, then it sounds like they might not yet be ready to deal with freedom to make choices in that situation.  So, scale back the freedom that you're giving them, until you've had the time & they've matured enough to learn how to make better choices.  

    If they can't behave in shops, then either leave them at home with a babysitter or make sure that they are politely & safely secured in a stroller or cart with seatbelt.  

    Same thing at home - if they don't know how to behave politely & safely, make sure that they are in a safe place with only toys & things that they can't hurt or break.  If they're used to having some freedom, losing it will motivate them to work to earn your trust again.  

    Be sure to take the time to talk them through the reason why they have lost freedom of choice and help them learn how to make better choices so that they (and you) can earn that freedom back.

  18. Spanking is the best way to Punish a child I live by it 110% and would have it no other way. No please no that spankings are on a bare bottom ONLY. The main reason for the bare is so that you know when you have made the rearend red and not bruised!

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