
How can i put a curse on someone?

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i want direct links to pages that give detail on how to perform a curse on someone. thanks




  1. voodoo doll.....not sure if it works though

  2. Depends what kind of curse you're looking for. Always remember that karma will come back at you three-fold, so make sure you are really willing to take the consequences.

    There are varying degrees of curses, from slight annoyances to death sentences, so make sure to pick very carefully. There's also quite a good chance that, unless you're VERY experienced, it will backfire and give you more of an effect than originally planned.

    The best curses are made from the heart...or lack there-of. Everything is of your own design: which candles to use, what to burn, and the desired effect. The best way to get the effect you want is to really project your own wishes. Just imagine what you want to happen, then fill that vision with anger or hate, and then release it. In any case, it seems quite a bit easier to me just to knock his lights out, but it's up to you. Best of luck.

  3. curse = dark magic

    dark magic = it coming back at you 3 times harder

    seriously don't mess with it

    i'll give you links but still you really shouldn't with curses only bad comes from them and you have to have the mind control to be able to at least handle it the curse it's really nothing to mess with

    "If you have negative, harmful thoughts, please try to understand that those thoughts can actually harm people, including yourself."

    ~a extremely wise person that had a rather unpleasant experience the weed curse voodoo hexs

    wether these work i don't know i don't mess with it, and the stuff i do use is from my own creation and i use arabic and latin language even though most say it wouldn't make a different, but i perfer it.. but really curses not something you mess with, only the uneduated teach it and they suffer later for if they even can get it to work

  4. wtf???????? this isnt 200 BC... only sorta way u can make someone go crazy or somthing is to put like LSD or X or PCP in there food

  5. lol. since when does one need instructions to curse someone? I thought it just involved a lot of swearing :)

    seriously though - why would you want to do this? It sounds like you want revenge, which is very nasty.  what's wrong with just talking to the to try to rectify things? and if there is no point in that, why bother wasting your effort on them to try to curse them anyway?  

  6. strangely enough ... I believe in Karma.. while not really believing in the ability of people to caste spells and curses.

    so I believe that the intent of you wanting to cast a curse... will have Karma throw you a curve ball and you will find it hitting you in the face TWICE as hard.

    don't curse people... it isn't very nice and is terrible cowardly.

  7. Why should you have to put curse on someone? Are you not afraid if others will curse you too?

  8. Don't do it. You'll collect some bad luck for yourself in the process. Send them light in an effort to correct the underlying problem.

  9. dont do one!!! i did one and it came back to me 3 fold!!!

  10. Just remember with any curse you give it will come back to you 3 times worse

    THINK CAREFULLY beore using you might regret it negative energy or karma is not nice to have or use!

  11. If you believe in curses, then surely you believe in the bad karma that comes along with doing one. Is it really worth the price to yourself??

  12. I will not be responsible for telling you how to curse someone, but I answered this question to clarify some answers given by my Pagan brothers & sisters....

    In 1993 the Earth recieved a new frequency (vibration) and the heirachy

    did away with karma, believe it or not, all karma is now paid...

    In 2012 we will recieve another frequency, and we will begin to ascend to a higher dimension, but that is another story..

    Just to clarify something else, in days of yore, practicioners of the craft most certainly cursed people as that was their only form of protection or defence against the sword and or persecution....

    It is just the modern Wiccan ideas that have invented >>"The Law of Three" or "The Law of the Threefold Return" as they never existed in the days even when Crowley was practising magick....

    I am not saying it is OK to curse someone, but if it is your only form of defence against someone who is a danger to you or your family then you must do what you feel is right to dissolve the threat, I know I would, as guns and knives only land you in jail or death-row....

    In Light... )O(    

  13. You can't just do magic by following instructions from a website or a book. You have to train your magical ability - generally by doing yoga, meditation, and concentration excercises.

    That said - you can scratch on a thin piece of lead a prayer asking one of the Gods of the Underworld to punish the person you are cursing. This is a REAL ancient greco-roman curse method, archeologically proven.

    Go search on 'curse tablet' for appropriate wording.

  14. I'd suggest you don't do it, it only comes back o you three times harder, believe happened to me...

  15. hey i dont do voodoo or wichkraft but i do obeah(west african)

    to put a curse or a revenge 'this is what you need:

    paper,pencil,lemon,salt,matches for fire,and shoe

    take the paper write the person full name or name and last name

    hit it nine times and burn it and trow salt on it and cut the lemon in a cross way and sqeeze till the fire turn off

  16. Remember this

    What you give out, will comes back 10 folds

    What goes around, will come around

    With every Action, is a Reaction, and with that follows the Consequences !

    Love & Blessings


  17. um firstly you should never ever do curses on anyone. the bad karma ALWAYS comes back to you & when it does you wont like it.. trust me i no,, dont do itt

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