
How can i put more humor in my speech in front of my class

by  |  9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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How can i put more humor in my speech in front of my class? Hello together, tomorrow, I have a speech in front of my entire class. Something i am not looking forward to but i have prepared for it.  I have the problem that my speech somehow sounds different when i record it and play it for myself.  My voice is so serious and humorless. Does anyone have a tips on how I can sound somewhat more vivid? This is especially important when I get to the funny things in my speech. I have come up with jokes, which are really funny but when i listened to it myself, i did not make me laugh. Am i the only one or others go through similar problems?
I am especially trying to impress this girl in my class who has the hearts for me.  Please help.

 Tags: class, front, humor, speech


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