
How can i put myself into hosptial?

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i want to go to hospital but i need a good reason. it may sound stupid but i can't go to school. i just can't handle it, bullies and i just can't keep up with the work, i'm failing, i need a break from it all, if im in hospital it will give me time to recover. please give me a way, if you can't give me an answer related to the question go away.




  1. You can't just put yourself into hospital, sorry. And it'll only take the nurses and doctors about 5 minutes to realise you're faking.

    Plus every single one of the things that are making you feel this way right now will still be there, waiting for you, when you get out and have to go back to school. You need to deal with those issues properly and permanently rather than just running away from them in the short term and hoping that'll somehow make it all alright or at least easier (it won't).

    Better just to go and see your own doctor and talk to him/her about how bad you're feeling. That way, he/she may be able to do something to help you feel stronger and better able to handle all that stuff.

    Also, have you told your parents how bad you're feeling?

    Have you (or they) told the school what has been going on?

    Is the school being supportive and helpful at all? Don't forget the school has a 'duty of care' towards you; your parents shouldn't let them welch on their responsibility to protect you whilst you're at school.

    Plus, maybe your parents could arrange for your teachers to send you your schoolwork to do at home for a week or two whilst you, your parents and the school decide where you go from here.  

    And, not suggesting you rush out and do it, but you can also go to the police and complain about the bullying. You shouldn't let anyone tell you that just because it goes on in school, it is somehow immune from the law. Bullying is assault - and assault is assault - no matter where it goes on.

    You don't have to have the other kids (and I hope this is other kids and not teachers/other adults who are bullying you) hauled off and chucked into gaol for the next 5 years but hopefully a home-visit from your community police officer and the fact the cops will talk to the bullies and their parents will provide the bullies (and their parents if they're complicit in their kids behaviour) with the metaphorical 'kick up the backside' that they could do with.

    The one other thing you could do...or rather your parents could get a solicitor to write to the parents of your bullies pointing out that they're considering taking out a private prosecution for assault and/or a court injunction preventing their kids from interfering with your right to attend school (by bullying you).

    Or you can simply stand your ground, fight back and give these bullies a hefty dose of their own medicine; I suspect you are not feeling strong enough to do that though, at the moment. Only you know how bad things really are, for you, in that place.

    Finally IF you really are that desperate to get into hospital, two words: stomach ache. Apparently it's pretty common for teenaged girls to end up in hospital here with abdominal pain when all the nurses and doctors know that what is really wrong with them is stress and anxiety. It's practically impossible for them to prove/disprove your abdo' pain; they tend to 'sit on it' (admit you and wait to see what, if anything, your stomach ache develops into). Heaps better to do that than start trying to break bones etc and leave yourself with (potentially) lifelong problems; or risk doing anything even dafter than that.

    That's all I can say: although I don't know how/if the docs 'wait and see' approach would be affected by the fact that you have to pay for your medical care, hospital stays in the US; Here, we don't have to pay for hospital stays, doctors etc. I don't know if they'd be as willing to let you just sit in a hospital room and take life easy for a few days if they had to bill your parents/your insurers for it! I'm not so sure your insurer'd pay your bills if they suspected you were just having a bit of a holiday at their expense!!

    Oh and this might be the time for you to sit your parents down and 'have the talk' with them about home-education or distance education or the many other non-school based options for getting the education you not only deserve but which is your's by right.

  2. The hospital isn't the answer. Go to school and immediately ask to speak to the school counselor. They are there for you to speak to and they can help you work out the problems that you are having. A hospital visit will provide temporary relief and it will be very, very expensive. GO TO THE COUNSELOR.

  3. Ok first of all you need to step back take a breathe and relax. Next you need to talk to your folks and maybe have a session with a counselor. Don't get upset with your folks when you are talking to them, but do let them know what you are feeling (the whole 9 yards).

    IF your parents tune you out, don't get bent out of shape. Talk to someone you trust (Relative, Clergy, etc) and see if they will either be present when you talk to your parents or talk to your parents ahead of time ( sometimes parents have a hard time actually listening ).

    Check into your state's laws for homeschooling at WITH your parents.

    If it is difficult for homeschooling to occur, there is always Virtual School or Umbrella School or a Home Tutor. Just keep an open mind and look at ALL your alternatives and trust me the hospital stay IS NOT the option you need to look at.

    Life is a series of ups and downs, challenges and triumphs and how we go about facing life and what it throws at us is how we find out who we are and what we are truly capable of.

    Goodluck kiddo.

  4. You just need to take a break from school and you can do this by having your parents not enroll you this next semester and instead have you homeschool. It is not that difficult. You can also do a Charter School which is free and is thru the Public school system, but you stay at home. They have a Teacher come in once a week to check your work.

    You don't need a hospital- you just need some time to be away from all of this and time to relax. Your parents also should allow you some time to not do any schooling. To deschool as they say.

    Good luck and I hope that you can tell your parents everything and that they care enough to get you out of this environment so you can thrive and become a functioning adult.

  5. How about a dentist tell your mom or dad you have VARY BAB tooth problem.

  6. Honestly, I suggest homeschooling.  You'll have a lot less stress, no bullies, you can work at your own pace and in a way that makes sense to you, and you can have time off (deschooling) before you start back up.

    Don't hurt yourself - be proactive.  If you're in a bad school situation, you are legally able to homeschool and set your own school environment.

    If nothing else, tell your parents that you're on the verge of doing something like this and need a change.  Hopefully, they'll take you seriously and pull you from school, letting you homeschool.  Just please don't hurt yourself.

  7. Getting put into the hospital is a very risky business. Talk to your parents about it. They might allow you to take a few days off to recuperate. You can also set up a meeting with your school counselor to try to work out some solutions to the problems that you are having. You could also ask your parents if oyu could maybe go to a private school or be homeschooled, they might suit you better. Good luck! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is not going to last forever...I promise!

  8. You can't really "put yourself in hospital", but if school is causing you to be stressed to the point where you can't handle the pressure, you can definitely go to see your family doctor.

    School can be a nightmare experience for a lot of children, and sometimes that pressure can result in serious psychological damage to the child.

    Perhaps your doctor can set you up with counseling, therapy, medications,(try not to go that horrible route) or at least provide you with an avenue of expressing how wrong the school experience is for you.

    Some kids have different abilities that make it extremely difficult to function in  a classroom setting and become victims of bullying.  It's not their fault, there is nothing they can do about it.

    If you need help, ask for it.  Talk to your parents, talk to your doctor, school counselor, any adult who cares.   Talk until your concerns have been met.   Nobody listens to kids, most think you have to just "suck it up and do it".  Sometimes that true, but not always.  

    Most kids whine and complain about school, but for some it is  indeed a nightmare that can ruin their lives.  

    The public school setting is not for everyone.  It is essential that you get an education but there are so  many other options for that.  You could do home bound, cyber school, K12, or just buy a curriculum yourself.  These options will allow you to stay at home and get an education.  If you can, try to find other homeschoolers in your area for emotional support, and also to convince the parents, because they may be terribly resistant.

    That is why I homeschool my kids.  It gets them out of that unhealthy enviornment.

  9. OK, go out and stand somewhere where you can see all of the houses on your street. Find the tallest one. Find some way to climb to the top. Stand on the very edge and then........JUMP!! I guarantee you will be in a hospital in less than an hour.

    P.S. Is that what you really want? To put your life in danger over a dramatic impulse? Take the other people's advice. They are all trying to help you.

  10. Instead of trying to find a way to put yourself into the hospital, talk to your parents and/or counselor about either being homeschooled (where you withdraw from the public school and your parents direct your education) or virtually schooled (where you are still a public school student, but you take lessons online).  It is a much better alternative to putting yourself into the hospital.

    If you are intent on putting yourself in the hospital, you could probably do so for mental reasons-i.e. your "fear" of school and "obsession" with avoiding it, considering harming yourself, etc.  I do not know if I misread this question, but just know that if you are not that dramatic about this then do take into consideration that the mental angle can cause you long term problems when it comes to life later on-i.e. getting a job, insurance, adopting...things that you might not be thinking about right now but will be important in the future.

    Seriously, though-talk to your parents about getting homeschooled.  You can take a break, often called "deschooling" amongst homeschoolers, and find the path that will best suit your needs.  I wish you the best!

  11. The bigger problem is putting yourself in the hospital is only going to postpone whatever goes wrong at school and not truly cure it.

    If you are determined to take this course, you need to break something. I broke a collarbone and was out for 10 days. Now, it was not the nicest of times and here I am 33 years after the fact and it still bothers me in cold weather

    Can you not seek help from your parents on this before you take such a drastic step?

  12. Another vote here for homeschooling. Consider an online program where you do most of the work independently. Then get involoved by volunteering in your community. I promise-life is better after high school and there's lots of amazing people in a world. Be one of them!!

    Best of Luck to you

    Warm Regards,




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