
How can i put myself up for adoption?

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my family is stupid and my parents keep trying to control who i hang out with and what music i listen to i want to put myself up for adoption because my parents always threaten that they will kill me if i keep hanging out with bloods and i hold back from punching them both in the face and then just walking right out i still wana go to my same school and my parents want me to go to a charter school instead of a public highschool and i hate them... dont give me none of that mushy c**p about loving and caring because i wont listen and no i wont see a counciler or nothin id rather die how can i put myself up for adoption but still live in the same state and go to the same school?




  1. uhm...i'm extremely sorry. actually, you have a lot in common with my friend....i wish i could help. but i couldn't even help him. so...idk what to tell you except that self-mutilation is NEVER a way to fix anything. i promise, it kinda rubs off on everyone....i suppose you could talk to social services?

  2. OK um well before you do that, maybe talk to someone to try and get you and your parents to go to a family councilor because they seem to care about your future and stuff but they don't know how to go about it without threatening. And when you feel like punching them try destroying a filled water bottle or something else cheap but fun to break...not your bed though cause when I did that I had to sleep on the couch for like ever till we bought a new one. Also try telling them about how you feel but calmly and politely cause then they might listen...then get mad but then you stay calm then they start crying and realizing things about their own childhood and stuff then go easier on you... I hope. Bye!

  3. You seriously have some anger issues. As much as you don't want to talk to someone about it, you probably should. Personally, life could be a lot worse. So they don't want you to listen to certain music or want you to go to the public school. But their not beating you. They feed you and cloth you. Which is a lot more than most people do for their kids. And at your age, you'll probably end up in foster care. And they will probably do the same thing. Grow up. You want to run with bloods, which I'm assuming is the gang, come on. Wow...

  4. Listen, kid, in my honest mind, I have considered putting myself up for adoption many times for personal reasons.

    Smarten up a bit, honestly, you need to learn that little bit more respect from your parents. I know you said you weren't going to listen to it, but no matter what, from what it sounds like, your parents love you and you should be so greatful of that cus sometimes, I really do wish I had that. They may threaten to kill you of which is a bit extreme I must admit but I hear it in every day life when people say "ohh I'm going to murder you" or "I'm going to kill you". Seriously, you're sounding like you're just crying out for attention. If you spent a bit more time with your parents, didn't get up to so much s**t and give them reason to trust you, then they wouldn't act half as bad as you say they do.

    Believe me from personal experience, being in a Gang is no way friendship. In a Gang your only friend is the knife that you choose to carry, which then leads you into further trouble, which them reflects back on your parents, which then leads them to be more worried so they get more strict with you cus they think it will stop you, but the more strict they get the more you rebel, so then they get even stricter and believe me, they're not going to stop. So maybe you need to break the chain and find some better friends. No matter how many times people tell me "You shouldn't judge them just because they're in a gang" it will always end up in the same way, one way or another. No matter how much they seem to care about you, a gang was always formed for some purpose and it's usually a bad reason in someone's case.

    Like I say, spend more time with your parents, find some decent mates then maybe stay out for a few nights or something to have that lil bit of freedom. Trust me, and this is coming from a 16 year old ;)

  5. You are so selfish.  You are so lucky to have two people who care enough about you and want the best for you.  You're too young to see it now, but you will and hopefully it won't be too late.  So please get your head out of your a**.

  6. umm why dont you think about emansipation. It's where you can be considered an adult and you can live on your own without your parents. If you can prove to a judge that you have good reasoning, or if your parents sign the papers you can get a place of your own. The state will give you a job, and as long as you do good in school and on your own the state will pay for everything. I would say the best advise is to look into emansipaion. You seem like your going through a tough time right now, and im sorry for that. I hope ive helped, and good luck

  7. yeah, i wanna put myself under adoption too.  but, i don't think you can until ur 18( i know it sucks).  well, good luck with that!

  8. If you want to go to the school of hard knocks there is nothing anyone can do. You will find a way to sabotoge yourself even in a private school.

    I took in a kid like you and after several months HE WENT HOME. He still hangs out at the school every chance he gets but his friends get younger and younger every year. Why? Because his graduating class moved on and he can't. He just got a job in a foundry. THE DIRTIEST JOB IN THE COUNTY. It causes breathng problems for everyone who works there. We have bets on how long he stays. It is hard physical labor and it's filthy. Sad part is the kids near genious, has a photographic memory and a very charismatic personality. (when he wants to) He just wants things his way or no way. He thinks he's going to be discovered and move to hollywood. Maybe he will but in this small town I don't think any talent scouts are going to look in the foundry for rising stars.

    You dispayed no concern over your grades, or your future so why would anyone take you in? You don't care how educated your not going to be or where you end up as long as it's on your terms.

    I have that same "BOY'S" brother living with me now and he is making great improvements in his character, grades, and outlook on life. He's worth my effort. What do you have to offer society that would make someone sit up and take notice of you, put an effort into you?

    Here's an idea, get a job. Get an apartment, then start looking around at the kids just like you and see which one you would want to take in, and spend your time and money on because they say their parents are a!!holes.

    I went to school with a kid who wanted to be a doctor. He too wanted to punch is parents. He did, it ended tragically. Guess where he lives now?

    The only people I can see taking you in are your homies,LOL. That'll last a good long time. NOT.

    Growing up is hard, but you need to grow up and see that some one is trying to save your life.

  9. Legally you can't.

  10. Well,you can go live with a friend.If they thretin to kill you,you can thretin to call the cops.but serisoly i dont know how to adopt.but sometimes ya just wana scream and punch ure parents!

  11. you can't

  12. for god sake....................................... am not even going to comment on this hormonal teenage question

  13. Wow.   You probably wouldn't have much luck seeing as most people looking to adopt (unfortunately) want a baby

    You could try going into foster care and being passed around for a while, with a black garbage sack for your possessions and then it might make you realize how good you really have it with your folks.

  14. it is called emancipation. read up on it.. and see if you can do it!  you can not adopt yourself, and you should really think about better things than being a d**n gang banger.

  15. sounds like you have a few problems-

    i think you really should go talk to your local GP- they will be able to set you up with a counseller.

  16. How old are you. If you are old enough to be self sufficient you can try to have yourself emancipated. It will likely be hard to get adopted because you are a teen i am guessing and most people want to adopt young children.

    Read about emancipation of minors here

  17. well, go ahead and punch them. then you can spend all your days and nights 'hanging with the bloods' you will be very close. sharing a cage even. you will have all day to listen to music and maybe, just maybe you could braid each others hair. you cant get much closer than that.

    listen, you have better writing skills then many i have seen on here, obviously you are not an idiot. you wrote your question well and correctly. very impressive.

    why dont you just use your time with your parents as a stepping stone until you are old enough to be on your own. get your time in and get out. then when you are a successful 'blood' you can come back and rub in their faces all your success.

    that will shut them up, huh? life on the street is grand, i can see why it attracts you so much. no money, lack of food, sleeping wherever you can. its a glorious life, but putting yourself up for adoption wont help. you will have more restrictions and limitations. you are better off where you are. at least you have a bed.

  18. If you hang out with bloods, you'll probably be dead before your parents get the chance. Honestly, you cant adopt yourself out. You can go to a foster home if your parents got introuble. Its highly doubtfull that will happen though. You cant and probably wont go to the police anyway because of your gang membership. Looks like your stuck with parents who a give a c**p about your well being. How horrible for you.

  19. Your choices are emancipation or toughing it out in your home until you're an adult.  You can't trade in your "mean old parents" for "new nice parents" who will let you do anything you want.  That's a childish fantasy.

    My adoptive parents also felt they had a right to control who I hung out with and what music I listened to until the day I got out from under their roof.  That's what parents do.

  20. You can't. All the answers you would have to give to their questions would make them realise you are in the best place for you to be right now~with your parents~just like any other spoilt teenager who thinks he knows it all.

    GROW UP.

  21. First of all, if you want to be adopted by any sane and loving person, you gotta change your attitude. Even if you do that, the chances of you being adopted are slim and none, since most families adopt children under 10. Or you can try to get "emancipation". That's where you can go to court and try to declare yourself an adult, but i think you have to be at least 16 years old. Good luck, but you should know that whatever you do when you get emancipation, things aren't gonna get any better. If you do anything illegal with your friends "the bloods", you don't just go to juvy, you go to the big house cause your counted as an adult, while some of your friends get release in a few days or weeks. And don't even think for a second that getting adopted or leaving your parents in any way is going to be better than staying with them. They might make you lose your friends, and maybe even drive you crazy, but nothin is better than staying with your parents who work real hard to dress u and feed u, when ur a teen. Just think about it, can you even get a job and take care of yourself, after the emancipation deal is done? Cause the courts aren't gonna help you much...

  22. Who would want to adopt you. You better learn to do well in school and hang out with better people first. The rest will fall into place.

  23. Your under 18 you cant put yourself up for adoption. Your parents would have to do that or the state would have to take you away if they are abusing you. But then you will end up in the foster care system and being that your older the chances that you would get adopted before you aged out of the system at 18 would probably be small . Some people do adopt older children/teenagers but sadly it is not enough. Another option would be to get emancipation, where you are legally declared an adult. However there would have to be a good reason, and a teenager saying they hate their parents I don’t think would cut it. Nearly every teenagers goes through a period where they hate their parents, don’t want to do what their parents want them to do, want to do their own thing etc.  Your parents are wrong to threaten death on you, their trying to scare you. To be frank hanging out with the bloods, is likely to get you killed.

    You clearly have some serious anger issues so I don’t think you would be first on someone list to adopt anyways. Even if you did get adopted I don’t think any parent would be ok with their child hanging out with a gang. If you are adopted you’d likely end up going to a different school anyways, you could be adopted by someone who doesn’t even live in the same area where you currently at , they could live on the other side of the state etc.  Possible even a different state.

    I don’t blame your parents for not wanting you to hang out with a gang. They probably figure sending you to a charter school that you will be able to meet more positive friends and maybe even get a better education.  If I had child and they were hanging out with a gang they would be off to a foreign boarding school, straightaway.

  24. dont listen to your parents c**p, you can hang out with whoever the h**l you want to. . . if they judge your friends like that there just idoits, it doesnt matter what they look like, act like, treat anyone else but u, as long as there true to you then stay with them...

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