
How can i quickly increase my flexibility?

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I've been dancing for around 14 years but my strength has always been tap. I was given the part in a show where i have to bring my leg all the way up somewhat diagonal to my body (in between to my side and front) and hold it there with my arms. The choreographer gave me that role because she knew i was a dancer, but I can't do it and make it look nice and gracefull. At the same time I have to be leaning into a guys arms... which makes it harder. Are there any quick ways to increase the flexibilty I need for this or any techniques to do this move?




  1. try gradually stretching your leg up to the point you need your leg to be each day just gradually move your leg higher and higher until it becomes easy to you!

  2. Definetly stretch A LOT but also practice spilts everyday (if you can't already do one). That should help your legs become more flexible because if I understood what you have to do correctly then what your doing is sort of like a sideways split in the air (if that makes sense) Also dont CONFIDENT no matter what!!  Good Luck!

  3. STRETCH STRETCH AND MORE STRETCHING! if you wanna be flexible then you need to continue you push even if it hurts when you do warm ups you need to be full out and give it your all you cant just slack off you need to push the hardest you can at 110% or else you will never get flexible if it hurts when you stretch then thats a sign that its working so just keep pushing when you stretch! i hope i helped =)

  4. Try streching in the bathtub or right after a shower. When you are doing homework and things like that, sit in a straddle. And of course the more you strech the more flexible you will become.

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