
How can i quit smoking weed ?

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i've smoke weed every day for the last 3 years every day to get to sleep and right the second i really really want to quit but where would i start




  1. Ok, firstly you need to be really dead-set on doing this or it wont work.

    You need to get everything out of the house, all weed, alcohol, cigarettes everything, because when your hanging out you'll just become addicted to something else.

    If you live with people that smoke it as well, then you really cant carry on living with them, not for at least 6 months. You need to take yourself out of the normal situations where you would smoke, at a mates place etc.

    Find a new routine before bed, go for a run, a swim, work out (you'll end up getting really fit)

    Hope this helps, but be real about it, it will be hard so you got to be prepared to go the full mile! Good luck!

  2. While Marijuana is not a hard drug like heroin, cocaine or ice and has not been linked to cancer and heart disease like cigarette smoking the overuse of pot has ruined or inhibited many lives. Whatever your reason for wanting to know how to quit weed forever these tips for quitting pot may help you live the life you want to.

    1. Understand your addiction

    The first thing you must do is realize what your addiction actually is. You see, unlike cigarettes which contain nicotine which causes a chemical addiction in your body that gives you physical cravings for a smoke pot has no such chemicals. The addiction most pot smokers have is what is labeled a mental addiction. This means that there is no chemical or physical need to go an smoke some Marijuana, it is instead simply something you have come to believe you need because it is comfortable and the high you get feels good and you do not want to let it go; this is a psychological need;

    2. Understand your psychological need

    Once you can accept that your addiction stems from a psychological need you can move to understand that need. Is smoking an escape from a harsh reality? Is it simply a symptom of boredom? Is it because all your friends use pot too? The reasons we develop addictions are many and varied but understanding the core of it can allow you to set yourself free.

    3. Find something to replace your addiction

    This does not mean find another drug! It does however mean that while you try to quit pot you need to develop some coping mechanisms when you feel the need to use pot again. Finding something creative and fulfilling to fill that void can often lead to great things.

    4. Develop your will to quit

    As was said, Marijuana is not chemically addictive so quitting comes down to willpower. Now this does not mean that if you feel the need to use pot again you have weak willpower as psychological addiction can be very strong in people especially those who have used weed for many years. It does however mean that it will come down to what you do and the support the people around you offer, there are no pot "patches".

    How to quit smoking pot is much easier said than done but it is very possible to quit weed forever if you understand your addiction and take steps to remedy this core problem along with some willpower and a drive to succeed you can do this!

  3. just say, "aight **** it, no more blunts to da dome."

    and waaalllaaaaaa...

    i did. and now i got a bomb job. a bomb ***** that dont complain about me smokin treez. i drive a ridiculously expensive car. and i do what the **** i wanna. and when i comfortably rich, ima be smokin treez again, watch me.

  4. Ive been smoking for 6 years everyday and tried to quit many times but i just enjoy life smoking it so i cant quit, i dont drink however so its a substitute. If you want to quit make sure to not accosiate with people that smoke it or you can get it from.  

  5. awww.

    find something that u dont usually eat or drink but find yourself enjoying, (your highs) (not weed)

    Coffee or chocolate, pizz, doritoes, hot milk, nutuella,, something u dont usually eat.  Have that in the time u have weed.

    or u could even phone the give up smoking hotline, make up some **** about u having too many packs a day, and see what they suggest u do.  it might help for weed.

    My sister and i think u should go out there and possible degrade to not weed but somthing less harmfull,, maybe smokes if u have to... or get into a habbit like,,,, chewing gum.

    god i dunno lol...

    dont all of a sudden stop, go from every second day, to like evry week or something and let ur body get use to it.

    peace out gangsta

    you gangsta friends in yahoo

  6. Try drinking plenty of water after every meal or having any chewing gum some time before sleeping. I hav heard tht these practices help overcome the habit of smoking weed.

  7. There are two ways - depending on your mindset. Both work.

    1) wean yourself off - a gradual reduction.

    2) stop suddenly - never again.

    Choose one to go with. Then do it.

  8. I have smoked weed for close to 18 yrs now!

    at first it was only during the night, but now its whenever!!

    as some call the good ol " wake n bake"

    I have never actually tried quitting.....but get to a point where i cant afford to smoke 1-5 grams a  day!

    i would say try cold turkey.....but we know where that can lead too sometimes, gain a ton of weight & or a relapse! if u really want to quit, then maybe try a detox/rehab! Or try testing your will power!

    i do not ever plan to Quit, but have been cutting down severely lately!! hope something helps you along your journey!!  Goodluck!  :)

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